Starożytny suplement

Gao Fang (galaretka ziołowa)

Gao fang to starożytna forma suplementu dietetycznego. Dawniej ludzie sami robili ją w domach, obecnie przygotowują to kliniki i szpitale dla pacjentów chcących jej używać. Sposób przygotowania jest bardzo prosty, podobnie jak przygotowanie zupy czy pieczenie ciasta. Dawniej nie dostrzegano różnicy między kuchnią a medycyną.

Gao fang można zamówić w niektórych większych miastach jak Hongzhow. W Polsce nie jest możliwe to do wykonania ze względów prawnych, ale przy odrobinie chęci każdy może zrobić to sam i wówczas nie ryzykuje naruszenia prawa.

Poniższy tekst powstał na podstawie kilku książek chińskich i jest tylko częściowo tłumaczony. W Europie ten suplement jest nieznany i poza językiem chińskim trudno znaleźć jakiekolwiek materiały na ten temat.

Gao fang jest szeroko stosowany w chińskiej medycynie ze względu na swe właściwości odżywcze i wzmacniające ludzki organizm. W TCM lekarstwa i suplementy występują w ośmiu różnych postaciach: pastylek do ssania, tabletek, wina, proszku, pasty, wina, destylatu i właśnie Gao fang. Może ona być stosowana doustnie, jak i w postaci okładów. Gao fang występuje w postaci gęstej pasty lub półpłynnej cieczy, która powstaje z ziół z dodatkiem miodu lub cukru.

Gao Fang jest szczególnie zalecany pacjentom z chronicznymi schorzeniami, po operacji, z osłabionym organizmem z powodu nieprawidłowego odżywiania lub długotrwałej stresującej pracy, łatwo się przeziębiającym, w średnim wieku i osobom starszym, pozbawionym energii i wigoru. Ułatwia powrót do zdrowia pacjentom po leczeniu z powodu: zapalenia oskrzeli, astmy oskrzelowej, nadciśnienia, chorób serca (zakrzepów), cukrzycy, marskości wątroby, chorób nerek, nieżytu żołądka, anemii, artretyzmu, nieregularnych miesiączek, chorób układu moczowego, lumbago i bólów nóg, niepłodności. Stosują go także pacjenci po operacjach, a także kobiety po urodzeniu dziecka.

Gao fang nie powinny stosować osoby z ostrymi chorobami i infekcjami lub z chronicznymi chorobami w początkowym stadium rozwoju. Osoby z silnymi bólami żołądka, zapaleniem okrężnicy, zapaleniem pęcherzyka żółciowego, kamieniami żółciowymi i kamieniami w nerkach.

W przypadku pojawienia się przeziębienia lub niestrawności w trakcie zażywania Gao fang, leży zaprzestać przyjmowania leku na 3 – 5 dni, do momentu ustąpienia objawów.

Jeśli według diagnozy TCM istnieje wilgoć wewnątrz ciała dampness-turbid interior accumulated (symptomy: utrata apetytu, biały tłusty nalot na języku) lub gorącą wilgoć wewnątrz ciała dampness-heat interior accumulated (symptomami są gorzki smak w ustach, zaparcia, żółty tłusty nalot na języku). Jeśli te objawy pojawią się przed zażywaniem Gao fang lekarz powinien zapisać zioła przywracające równowagę żołądka i likwidujące ciepło i wilgoć. Jeśli natomiast objawy wystąpią podczas stosowania Gao fang należy odstawić ten suplement do momentu ustąpienia objawów.


Jeśli zachorujemy podczas stosowania Gao fang należy zaprzestać przyjmowania do momentu zdiagnozowania choroby i dopiero wtedy zadecydować czy przyjmować go dalej.


Osoby młode, pełne energii z silnym organizmem, bez jakichkolwiek symptomów choroby, nie powinny zażywać Gao fang.


Okres jesienno-zimowy jest najlepszy czasem, aby zacząć zażywać Gao fang, gdyż poziom energii, jaki posiadamy niejako odpowiada porom roku. Simaqian, słynny pisarz z okresu panowania dynastii Han, powiedział: „wiosna powoduje narodziny, lato wzrost, jesień zbiory, a zima zapasy”. Późną jesienią i zimą ludzkie ciało przygotowuje się do adaptacji do niskich temperatur – trawienie jest szybsze niż wcześniej, aby wchłonąć jak najwięcej substancji odżywczych, podczas gdy nasz metabolizm spowalnia. Dlatego zima jest najlepszą porą na robienie w naszym organizmie zapasów, wzmacniających nasz organizm.


Podczas innych pór roku, gdy organizm pacjenta jest słaby po operacji lub długotrwałych chorobach należy łączyć Gao fang z innymi ziołami tak, by jak najszybciej przywrócić organizmowi równowagę. Takie połączenie przyspiesza leczenie choroby i zgodnie z zasadami TCM stopniowo wzmacnia organizm.

Zazwyczaj Gao fang przyjmujemy na pusty żołądek, aby ułatwić organizmowi wchłanianie. Jeśli jednak okazałoby się, że dla pacjenta jest to niewygodne lub jeśli miałby on problemy żołądkowe, wówczas można spożywać Gao fang pół lub godzinę po posiłku.

Sposób przygotowania Gao fang:

  1. Gotujemy wywar z ziół, do którego dodajemy inne, niezmielone produkty np. orzechy, sezam. Produkty, które ulegają rozpuszczeniu dodajemy do wywaru na samym końcu i nie gotujemy ich. Kosztowne zioła takie jak np. renshen, fengdou, haima, hailong, lurongpian, dongchongxiacao, hongjingtian, jinqianbaihuashe, itd. gotujemy w oddzielnym naczyniu, 3 razy, na wolnym ogniu. Nie należy ich łączyć z innymi ziołami, by te nie wchłonęły najcenniejszych ich składników. Po odlaniu wywaru wyciskamy wszystkie soki i jego resztki. Wszystko filtrujemy, zagęszczamy oraz

dodajemy do wywaru z ziół na chwilę przed tym jak będzie gotowy. Sproszkowane zioła takie jak: shanshen, hupo, lingyangjiao, ziheche, gejie, zhenzhu, xihonghua, sanqi powinny być dodane do wywaru tuż przed zakończeniem gotowania. Niektóre zioła: heizhimahu, hutaoren, longyanrou, dazo (bez pestki), powinny zostać zmielone zanim zostaną dodane do wywaru. Kleiste zioła moczymy z dodatkiem żółtego wina ryżowego, następnie gotujemy do momentu rozpuszczenia.

  1. Moczenie: Zanim włożymy podstawowe zioła do garnka, należy je moczyć przez 24 godziny a poziom wody powinien wahać się na ok. 10 cm nad warstwą ziół.
  1. Przyrządzenie wywaru: Do momentu zagotowania się wywaru, zioła gotujemy na silnym ogniu, potem gotujemy zioła około 1 godziny na średnim ogniu i kolejne 3 godziny na bardzo małym ogniu. Te same zioła gotujemy 3 razy, później filtrujemy, odcedzamy je i wywary z wszystkich ziół mieszamy razem.
  1. Zagęszczanie: wlej wywar do czystego garnka, gotuj do momentu, aż będzie gęsty i później dodajemy wywar z kosztownych ziół uprzednio wyciśnięty. Należy kontrolować siłę ognia, aby wywar w momencie gęstnienia nie wykipiał.
  1. Na końcu dodajemy rozpuszczone, kleiste zioła. Cukier lub miód powinny być rozpuszczone i ciepłe. Należy cały czas mieszać wywar, aby nie przywarł do garnka. Następnie dodajemy sproszkowane zioła. Kiedy wywar jest bardzo gęsty Gao fang jest gotowy.

Zamiast cukru lub miodu można dodać ksyliton.


Translated by zhufeiye

1.What is gaofang?

2.Who is suitable to gaofang?

3.What cases are not suitable to gaofang?

4.When to take gaofang?

  1. composition of gaofang

6.How to make gaofang?

7.How to conserve gaofang?

  1. Dietetic restraint during taking gaofang

9.How to deal with the case during taking gaofang?

10.Gaofang for common disease

1.What is gaofang?

Generally speaking,gao includes oral and external application .It is one of eight preparations in TCM which include pill, powder, paste,dan,wine, distillate, decoction ,lozenge.Gaofang, also called oral thick paste formula, is decocted extract for oral application. It is semi-liquid form of preparation made by decocting the drugs in water repeatedly,discarding the dregs,then concentrating and adding to it refined honey or sugar.It is widely applicable to patients with chronic diseases of internal,surgery, gynecology, paediatrics , osteotrauma or  five sensory organs and weak constitution due to its nourishing action.

It is increasely welcome to people due to its convenience and notable curative effect.  According to traditional knowledge and clinical experience in TCM theory,gaofang is a kind of patent with the function of nourishing and tonifying human body ,treating and preventing disease.

2.Who is suitable to gaofang?

1.People who is in sub-health condition:a.somebody who with no chronic disease,but with weak constitution due to long-time tired work or heavy pressure ,easily to get cold;b.middle aged and old people, with less physical capacity and vigour, unable to competent enough for the busy work.

2.People with chronic disease were treated and their symptoms were controlled or weak condition due to long-time disease. These chronic diseases include:chronic bronchitis, emphysema of lungs, bronchial asthma, hypertension, coronary heart disease, hyperlipemia, diabetes,chronic gastritis,chronic col onitis, chronic hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis in earlier stage, chronic nephritis,chronic urinary system infection, anaemia, rheumatoid arthritis, frequency night urine, lumbar and leg pain, sexual disturbance, irregular menstruation, infertilitas feminis.

3.People who are post-operation, post-bleeding, after serious diseases, or post-childbearing are in rehabilitation course.

3.What cases are not suitable to gaofang?

1.Acute disease or infection or chronic diseases in period of onset.The chronic diseases such as stomach pain,colonitis, cholecystitis, gallstone, kidney stone etc .

2.If common cold or indigestive in or before taking gaofang,patients  should stop taking it for 3 to 5 days until all symptoms are improved.

3.The syndrome of dampness-turbid interior accumulated (symptom: abdominal distention,poor appetite,white greasy tongue coating),or dampness-heat interior accumulated (symptom: bitter mouth,constipation,yellow greasy tongue coating).If these symptoms occur before taking gaofang,the doctor should prescribe some herbs to eliminate turbidity,regulate qi and harmonize stomach,or clear away heat and dampness. If these happen in the course of taking it,patients should stop until all symptoms are improved.

4.If new diseases onset during taking gaofang,patients should stop taking it and the disease should be diagnosed clearly ,then to decide to continue to take or not.

5.Strong constitution without other unwell manifestation or young people full of vigour needn’t take gaofang.

4.When to take gaofang?

1.Generally speaking,winter is the best season to take gaofang.Why? Human’s vital movement is closely related to nature environment. Simaqian,a famous literatus in Han dynasty,said:“spring administers borning, summer administers growing, autumn administers receiving,  winter administers storing.”In late autumn and winter,human body will make corresponding adjustment to adapt the increasely cold wether—-digestive function is stronger than before to absorb more nutrition and meanwhile the body metabolism is slower to lower consume.So,this season is suitable to store.In other word, it is suitable to tonify.

2.In other seasons,weak constitution can use gaofang due to some serious chronic diseases or post-operation.But in these cases,gaofang  should be combination with other decoction to regulate qi and blood, harmonize middle jiao,eliminate turbidity,relax the bowel,tranqulize mind,astringing and removing obstruction from meridian according to differentiation of symptoms and signs.Combinating with gaofang has three effects:First,it is used to treating the diseases;Second,it is convenient to take; Third,it is in line with the TCM principle that weakness should be tonified step by step.

3.Usually,we take gaofang on an empty stomach to strengthen the absorption.If the patient feels uncomfortable taking on an empty stomach or with stomach disease,he can take it 0.5-1 hour after meal.

A case: In late autumn. The patient suffered from stomach cancer,post-operation. Symptom: asthenia,short breath after acting,poor appetite,dry stool,pale tongue,wiry slow and weak pulse.First,decoction to tonify spleen and stomach,regulate qi and harmonize middle jiao was used.Two weeks later,the gaofang replaced decoction to tonify,and a week after that,continue the decoction……Two months later,all symptoms were improved.

  1. composition of gaofang

There are five compositions to make gaofang:decoction pieces,fine material, glue,sugar,and adjuvant.

1) decoction pieces:It is main composition of gaofang which has the effect for treating dieases according to TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs.For example,renshen,dangshen, xiyangshen,huangqi, fuling, baizhu,hongjingtian etc to tonify qi;shudihuang,danggui,baishao, e’jiao,heshouwu to tonify blood; Guiban,biejia,fengdou,maidong,shashen,gouqi to tonify yin;buguzhi,roucongrong,bajitian, duzhong,gejie,taoren to tonify yang;and some other medicine to promoting qi circulation,resolve phlegm,clear heat etc.

The quantity of decoction pieces is bigger than the normal decoction which is about 3kg,no more than 5kg.The gaofang can be taken for 30-50 days to treat disease and tonify deficiency.

2) fine material: It is refers to some precious material such as renshen,lurong etc to tonify deficiency in the gaofang.It includes:

a)The kinds of shen:shengshaishen,xiyangshen,hongshen,chaoxianshen

b)The precious animal medicine:lingyangjiao powder,lurongpian, haima, hailong,ziheche powder,gejie powder,zhenzhu powder.

  1. c) The precious mineral medicine:feihupo
  2. d) The precious plant medicine:xihonghua,chuanbei powder,sanqi powder,fengdou.
  3. e) The precious algae medicine:dongchongxiacao,lingzhi.

f)The medicines also are food:heizhima,hutaoren,zaoni,longyanrou.

3) glue:It not only can tonify but also fix and take shape of  the gao such as   e’jiao,guibanjiao biejiajiao and lujiaojiao.Gererally speaking,the quantity of gule is about 200-400g with only one or many kinds of glue together according to TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs.In some gaofang with no sugar or little sugar,the quantity of glue can reach to 400-600g.The gaofang without glue is for vegetarian, which we call “sugao”.

4)sugar: Usually ,we use sugar to masking the bitter taste ,to tonify, to fix and take shap of gaofang such as candy sugar, white sugar, brown sugar, cerealose,honey.The quantity of surgar is about 0.5kg.If the patient can’t intake too much sugar, for instance,the diabetes,we use the yuanzhen sugar instead (ksyliton).

5) adjuvant:It is necessary to use yellow rice wine to soak glue to remove offensive smell of glue and help the absorption of gaofang. The property and flavor of wine is sweet, pungent and heat,which has the function of promoting blood circulation to remove obstruction from meridians, strengthen the effect of gaofang,eliminating cold, modifying the taste.We soak glue with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts,mix it well with decocted extract before finish the gaofang. The quantity of wine is 0.25-0.5kg.

6.How to make gaofang?

There are five maily steps to make gaofang:

1.preparation:The five composition should be preparated respectively to educe efficacy, especially the fine material.If the fine material decocted with decoction pieces,its effective ingredient will be absorbed by the decoction pieces. So it should be simmered alone, be decocted alone, or melting.For example,the fine material should be simmered or decocted alone for 3 times such as renshen,fengdou,haima,hailong,lurongpian,dongchongxiacao, hongjingtian,jinqianbaihuashe,etc; then crush to take juice,mix the juice with decoction well, filtering, concentrating,then add to the decocted extract when be going to finish the gaofang. The powder and juice should be mixed with decocted extract well when be going to finish the gaofang such as shanshen powder,hupo powder,lingyangjiao powder,ziheche powder,gejie powder,zhenzhu powder,xihonghua powder,sanqi powder etc. Some fine material should be grinded to add to the decocted extract when be going to finish the gaofang such as heizhimahu,hutaoren,longyanrou and dazao without core.The glue should be soaked with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts.

2.Soaking:Examing all the drugs and picking out glue drug before putting all the other drugs into a clear pot.Add water to infiltrate drugs making them absorb water fully,later add water 10 centimeter higher than the plane of drugs,soak 24 hours.

3.Decocting:Usually strong fire is used until the water boils,followed by mild fire for 1 hour,then milder fire to keep the water boil for 3 hours.It should be decocted for 3 times,then filter the decoction and mix all together.

4.Concentrating:put the decoction to a clear pot,decoct till it becomes thick and mix the juice of fine material well with it.It is called “decocted extract”. Caution:when the decoction is getting thicker,the fire should be control in order to avoid fluxing out of pot.

5.completing the gaofang:Add sugar and glue to the decocted extract.The sugar and glue should be melted and warm.Meanwhile,it should be heated and agitated fully in order to avoid sticking to the bottom..Meanwhile,put the powder of fine material to it.When the decocted extract is very thick(when put it to the cold water,it won’t melt immediately),the gaofang finishes.

7.How to conserve gaofang?

1)Cool the complete gaofang,put it into a cleaning, sterile container.It is best to use the container of vitreous enamel or with large mouth.Caution:Don’t put the cover immediately in order to avoid mustiness due to the water vapor falling down to the gaofang from the cover.

2) Don’t put all the gaofang in one container.The gaofang not eating in the near future should be sealed and put in a cool and vent place or refrigerator.

3) The spoon to get gaofang should be cleaning,dryness and sterile.If the spoon is not dry,it is easily to mustiness.

4)If there is a little mold in surface layer of gaofang,you can remove it and re-heat the gaofang.

  1. Dietetic restraint during taking gaofang

1)Turnip, mung bean and some greasy food are prohibited during taking Gaofang,especially when taking Renshen.

2) Coffee and Coca cola are prohibited.

3)Tea is prohibited.

4) Alcohol abuse is prohibited.

9.How to deal with the case during taking gaofang?

1)Constipation:stop taking gaofang temporary or decrease the quantity of gaofang every time till the symptom improved.During these time, the patient should take more fruit,vegetable ,water and honey.

2)Diarrhea: stop taking gaofang temporary till the symptom improved and find out the cause of diarrhea.There are many causes such as damp-cold,damp-heat, improper diet,or deficiency of spleen and stomach can’t endure the glue and some tonifying drugs.The patient should be treated according to the causes.

3)Indigestion: decrease the quantity of gaofang every time till the symptom improved,and drink some herb tea to promote digestion such as chenpi tea,shanzha tea.

4)Cough with phlegm:It is caused by failure of spleen to transport and transform due to   deficiency of spleen and stomach..So the patient should stop taking gaofang temporary till the symptom improved and take some drugs to invigorate the spleen, regulat qi and resolve phlegm.

5)Common cold and fever: stop taking gaofang temporary till the symptom improved.

6)Too deficiency to tonify:The symptom will occur after taking gaofang such as poor appetite,dry mouth, epistaxis, bleeding from gum, itch of skin.

10.Gaofang for common disease

  1. Iteratted common cold

Common cold is a disease caused by pathogenic wind which manifested as headache, nasal obstruction, sneezing,aversion to cold, febrile,etc.The onset of iteratted cold is due to constitution deficiency,in other word,the hypo-immune function.According to TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs,it includes two patterns: deficiency of qi and yang ; insufficiency of yin and blood.

1)deficiency of qi and yang

Main symptom:easily to get cold,lassitude,short breath, extremities cold, plump and pale tongue with thin white coating,thready pulse.

Renshen 100g  dangshen 200g  huangqi 300g  baizhu 150g  fuling 200g  guizhi 60g  fangfeng 150g  zisu 100g  jingjie 100g  xixin 90g  jiegeng 60g  qianhu 100g  ciwujia 150g

hongjingtian 100g  lingzhi150g  huangjing 150g  shanyao 150g  guya 100g  maiya 100g  gancao 90g  gejie 1pair lujiao 100g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao, renshen and gejie for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; decoct renshen separately ,add the decoction to the decocted extract; grind the gejie into fine powder, add the powder to the decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If seriously aversion to cold add fuzi 60g,rougui20g

2)insufficiency of yin and blood

Main symptom: easily to get cold, yellowish complexion,shallow lip and nail, palpitation, dizziness,dry mouth,dry throat,dry stool,little coating,thready or thready and rapid pulse.

Yuzhu 300g  shengdihuang150g  shudihuang150g  maidong150g  Shanyao 150g  naishashen 150g  beishashen 150g  huangjing 150g Gouqizi 150g  nvzhenzi 150g  danggui 60g  chuanxiong 60g Baishao 150g  baizhu 100g  jingjie 100g  fangfeng 100g  Baiwei 150g  gegen 100g  jiegeng 60g  lingzhi150g  chenpi60g  Shenqu 100g  gancao 60g  e’jiao300g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dry stool is very serious,add sangshenzi 150g,huomaren 150g

2 low-grade fever due to deficiency

Low-grade fever due to deficiency also called “functional Low-grade fever” .Its clinical manifestation is that the body temperature is 0.3℃-0.5℃ higher than normal but <38℃ and without organ impairment.The westen medicine said yong women are the susceptible population.It maybe has related with dysfunction of autonomic nerve and accompanies with the symptom of palpitation, hidrosis and insomnia etc.Some young women suffer from low-grade fever,lacking in strength,poor appetite etc in summer.When autumn is coming,all the symptoms are gone. This is called low-grade fever in summer which also belongs to low-grade fever due to deficiency .It is due to deficiency of qi,blood and essence,dysfunction of zang-fu.It can be devide into two patterns:qi decifiency ; insufficiency of yin and blood.

1)Qi deficiency

Main symptom: low-grade fever especially after tired, dizziness,lassitude,short breath,sweating,easily to get cold,poor appetite,loose stool,pale tongue with thin coating,thready pulse.

Xiyangshen 100g  shenghuangqi 150g  dangshen 150g  baizhu 100g baishao 200g  ciwujia 100g  danggui 100g  chenpi 60g  shenma 60g  chaihu 100g  shanyao 150g  huangjing 100g  yinchaihu 100g  huhuanglian 90g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and xiyangshen for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; decoct xiyangshen separately ,add the decoction to the decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If spontaneous perspiration, add duanlonggu 300g,duan muli 300g,mahuanggen150g.

If poorappetite and loose stool, add fuling 150g, yiyiren 200g, biandou 150g.

2)insufficiency of yin and blood

Main symptom:low-grade fever in afternoon or at night,heat sensation in the palms, soles and chest,night sweating,flushed cheeks,dizziness,palpitation,dry mouth,constipation,pale tongue with dry coating,thread and rapid pulse.

Xiyangshen 100g  danggui 100g  suanzaoren 150g  baishao 150g  Longyanrou 100g  sangshenzi 150g  ludouyi 150g  shengdihuang 300g  shudihuang 150g  nvzhenzi 150g hanliancao 200g  yinchaihu 150g  digupi 150g  baiwei 150g qinjiao 150g  guibanjiao 100g  biejiajiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except biejiajiao,guibanjiao and xiyangshen for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; decoct xiyangshen separately ,add the decoction to the decocted extract; soak biejiajiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If palpitation is very serious,add sheng longgu 200g,shenglongchi 200g,shengmuli 200g,shudihuang 200g.

3 sweating in deficiency condition

Sweating in deficiency condition includes spontaneous sweat and night sweat due to imbalance between yin and yang,weak muscular interstitial space .The clinical character of spontaneous sweat is easily to sweat in daytime,especially after sport or anger.And the night sweat often happens at night when asleep and stops when awake.

According to TCM,spontaneous sweat is caused by deficiency of lung qi,loose muscular interstitial.Night sweat is caused by yin deficiency and fire flaming.

1)spontaneous sweat

Main symptom:easily to sweat,easily to get cold,pale complexion,lassitude,short breath,pale tongue with thin coating,thready pulse.

Huangqi 300g  dangshen 150g  fangfeng 100g  baizhu 150g  Duanlonggu 300g  duanmuli 300g  wubeizi 90g  wuweizi 100g  Dazao 150g  hangbaishao 250g  chenpi 60g  gancao 90g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dry mouth with desire for drinks,add maidong 150g,beishashen 150g,shihu100g.

2)night sweat

Main symptom:easily to sweat when asleep,tidal fever,flushed cheeks,especially when feel tense,dry mouth,dry stool,little coating without fluid,thready and rapid pulse.

Danggui 100g  shengdihuang 300g  shudihuang 250g shanzhuyu 150g  tiandong 150g  maidong 150g  shihu 150g  baishao 150g  shanyao 150g  zhimu 90g  huangbo 100g  shenghuangqi 100g  zexie 100g  digupi 200g  danpi 150g  duanmuli 300g  nuodaogen 300g  duanlonggu 200g  gancao60g  guya 100g  guibanjiao 100g  biejiajiao200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao and biejiajiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao and biejiajiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melts;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dreamful,add danshen 150g,yuanzhi 100g.

4 chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis belongs to “cough”, “phlegm and morbid fluid retention”, “asthma” in TCM.Its etiological factors include two sides of internal and external.The former is dysfunction of the lung,spleen and kidney.The latter is attack of adverse environmental conditions of wind, cold,dryness,dampness,fire and summer-heat.It can be divided into 6 patterns:external cold and internal morbid fluid retention syndrome; phlegm-heat accumulated in lung; deficiency of kidney and lung yin; internal obstruction by phlegm due to deficiency of lung and spleen;qi deficiency and blood stasis;deficiency of lung and kidney qi.

1)external cold and internal morbid fluid retention syndrome

Main symptom: cough with profuse sputum,white and sticky,short breath and dyspnea, chest distress,aversion to cold,body soreness,white and smooth coating,soft pulse.

Zhimahuang 100g  xinren 150g  guizhi 100g  xixin 90g  ganjiang 60g  banxia 150g  wuweizi 50g  baishao 150g  suzi 150g  lanfuzi 150g  baijiezi 100g  qianrihong  150g  tianjiangke 150g  jiegeng 90g  zisu  100g  fangfeng 100g  jinjie 100g  chenpi 90g  gancao 90g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If aversion to cold seriously,add fuzi 50g.

2)phlegm-heat accumulated in lung

Main symptom:cough,dyspnea,chest fullness and harsh breathing,yellow and sticky sputum,irritability and thirsty,yellowish urine,dry stool,red tongue with yellowish coating,slippery and rapid pulse.

Zhimahuang 100g  xinren 150g  suzi 150g  shengshigao 300g  Zhimu 100g  sangbaipi 300g  tinglizi 150g  shengdihuang 100g  Huangqin 150g  yuxingcao150g  pugongying 150g  siguazi 90g  Yiyigen 300g  chenpi 90g  guya 150g  gancao 50g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If difficult expectoration of sticky sputum,add quangualou 300g,nanshashen 150g.

3) deficiency of kidney and lung yin

Main symptom:cough with little sputum,short breath and chest distress,serious when active,soreness and weakness of lower back and knee,night polyuria,enuresis when cough intensely,dry mouth with desire to drinks,red tongue with little coating,deep and thready pulse.

Shengdihuang 200g shudihuang 200g  shanyurou 150g  shanyao 200g  Huangjing 150g  tiandong 150g  maidong 150g  gouqizi 150g danpi 150g  zexie 150g  fuling 150g  ziwan 150g  kuandong 150g  baibu 150g  chuanbei 100g  baiqian 100g  qianhu 100g  baiguo 100g  wuweizi 100g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dyspnea,add xuanfuhua 150g,daizheshi 200g.

4) internal obstruction by phlegm due to deficiency of lung and spleen

Main symptom:cough and dyspnea with profuse and thin sputum, easy to expectoration,disinclination to talk due to a deficiency of qi,lassitude,distension of stomach,poor appetite,loose stool, iteratted common cold,whitish and greasy coating,soft and thready pulse.

Dangshen 150g  huangqi 150g  fuling 200g  baizhu 150g  fangfeng 100g  shanyao 150g  huangjing 100g  banxia 150g  chenpi 100g  houpo 100g  xuanfuhua 150g  zhishi 100g huajuhong 100g  hancai 150g  pipaye 100g  suzi 150g  lanfuzi 150g  shenqu 100g  lingzhi 150g  shengjiang 30g  gancao 90g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add plantation white sugar 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dyspnea and short breath,add chenxiang 100g

If the sputum turns to yellow,add yuxingcao 300g,huangqin 200g

5) qi deficiency and blood stasis

Main symptom:cough and lassitude,chest fullness,short breath,spontaneous sweat,aversion to wind, iteratted common cold, cyanosis of lip,pale tongue with ecchymosis,thready and unsmooth pulse.

Renshen 50g  huangqi 300g  dangshen 200g  baizhu 150g shanyao 300g  shanyurou150g  shenghuangqi 100g  danggui 100g  taoren 150g  honghua 100g  chishao 150g  qiancao 150g  chuanxiong 60g  ziwan 150g  kuandong 150g  baiqian 100g qianhu 100g baiguo 100g  ciwujia 150g  chenxiang 60g  chenpi 90g  huajuhong 100g  guya 100g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 300g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and renshen for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; decoct renshen separately ,add the decoction to the decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dyspnea and short breath seriously, add hutaorou 150g,yinyanghuo 200g.

6) deficiency of lung and kidney qi

Main symptom:cough and dyspnea,serious when active,lassitude, soreness and weakness of lower back and knee, night polyuria,cold manifestation and limbs,pale tongue with thin coating,deep and thready pulse.

Renshen 100g  dongchongxiacao 30g  fuling 150g  gouqizi 150g Nvzhenzi 150g  yinyanghuo 150g  shanyurou 150g  buguzhi 100g  sangjisheng 150g  duzhong 150g  danggui 100g  baishiying 150g  zhongrushi 150g  chenxiang 60g  rougui 30g  wuweizi 100g  ciwujia 150g  hongjingtian 100g  lingzhi 150g  shenqu 100g  gancao 60g  gejie 1pair e’jiao 200g  lujiaojiao150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao,lujiaojiao, renshen and dongchongxiacao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; decoct renshen separately ,add the decoction to the decocted extract; grind the dongchongxiacao into fine powder, add the powder to the decocted extract; soak e’jiao and lujiaojiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dark complexion ,purple tongue and lip,add taoren 150g,honghua 100g.

5 Asthma(catabasis)

Asthma is a iterated allergy diseases of lung. Its manifestation is wheeze in throat,dyspnea, difficult to prostration.According to TCM, the important etiological factor is internal old phlegm which motivated by cold and wind,indigestion, depression and lassitude.When it obstructs air tube,qi fails to ascending and descending,resulting in inter-obstruction of phlegm and qi.It is a good opportunity to treat asthma with TCM when it is in catabasis.Its syndromes are deficiency of lung qi; deficiency of spleen qi; deficiency of kidney qi.

1)deficiency of lung qi

Main symptom: spontaneous sweat,aversion to wind,easily to get cold,when the climate changes, asthma will onste,pale tongue,thready pulse.

Renshen 50g  dangshen 200g  huangqi 300g  baizhu 150g  fangfeng 150g  guizhi 30g  fuling 300g  ziwan 150g  kuandonghua 150g  shanyao 200g  huangjing 150g  baishao 200g  wuweizi 100g  ciwujia 150g  lingzhi 150g  guya 100g  gancao 60g  dazao 100g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and renshen for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; decoct renshen separately ,add the decoction to the decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If spontaneous sweat seriously,add fuxiaomai 300g,duanmuli 300g

If profuse and thin sputum,add xixin60g,ganjiang 60g

2)deficiency of spleen qi

Main symptom: easy expectoration of profuse and thin sputum,lassitude, poor appeitite and loose stool, when the diet is improper, asthma will onste, pale tongue with thin greasy coating,soft and thready pulse.

Dangshen 200g  huangqi 300g  baizhu 150g  fuling 200g zhigancao 90g  chenpi 100g  banxia 100g  juhong 100g   chuanbei 100g  baibu 150g  yiyigen 300g  shanyao 300g  xinren 150g  suzi 100g  jiaoshanzha 150g  jineijin 60g  guya 100g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If cold manifestation and limbs,aversion to cold,loose stool,add guizhi 60g, ganjiang 60g.

3)deficiency of kidney qi

Main symptom:short breath,serious when active, soreness and weakness of lower back and leg,dizziness, tinnitus,easily to tired, extremities are not warm, clear urine in large amounts,pale tongue with thin white coating,deep and thready pulse.

Renshen 100g  gejie 1pair  hutaorou 150g  ziheche 1 piece shengdihuang 200g  shudihuang 200g  shanyao 300g  shanyurou 150g  dangshen 300g  huangqi 300g  fuling 300g  rougui 50g  wuweizi 50g  buguzhi 100g  bajitian 150g  roucongrong150g  yinyanghuo 100g  chenxiang 60g  chenpi 60g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 200g  lujiaojiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao,lujiaojiao, renshen and hutaorou for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; parch the hutaorou;grind the renshen and parched hutaorou into fine powder, add the powder to the decocted extract; soak e’jiao and lujiaojiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If spontaneous sweat seriously,add zhifuzi 100g,duanlonggu 300g,duanmuli 300g.

6 chronic stomach pain

chronic stomach pain is a disease manifested as pain in stomach area,accompanied with belching, acid reflux and stomach distension.It includes chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

The person whose constitution is deficiency of spleen and stomach,or insufficient qi of the middle-jiao due to long-time disease are susceptible to get the chronic stomach pain due to cold or heat, eating and drinking without temperance or irritate.It includes 5 patterns:cold in difficiency condition in spleen and stomach; deficiency of stomach yin; blood stasis in stomach; phlegm and morbid fluid retension in stomach;heat-dampness obstructed in stomach.

1)cold in difficiency condition in spleen and stomach

Main symptom:stomach cold and pain,the pain relieves when press,get heat,or eating,serious when stomach is cold,poor appetite,loose stool,stomach distention after eating,pale tongue with white coating,thready and wiry pulse.

Huangqi 200g  dangshen 150g  guizhi 60g  baishao 300g  ganjiang 60g  gaoliangjiang 100g  wuzhuyu 60g  baizhu 150g  fuling 150g  chuanlianzi 100g  yanhusuo 150g  zhigancao 90g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g and  cerealose 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If belching and ptysis,add chenpi 100g,banxia 150g,xuanfuhua 150g

If loose stool,add roudouqou 100g,baidouqou 60g,sharen 60g

2)deficiency of stomach yin

Main symptom: stomach vague pain,burning sensation in stomach,dry mouth,poor appetite, retching,dry stool,red tongue with little fluid,thready pulse.

Beishashen 150g  maidong 300g  shengdihuang 200g  yuzhu 250g  Shihu 200g  baishao 300g  gouqizi 150g  huanglian 60g  wuzhuyu 30g  xuanshen 100g  pipaye 150g  zhuru 150g  chuanlianzi 150g  danshen 150g  taizishen 300g  chenpi 60g  guya 100g  maiya 100g  zhigancao 90g  e’jiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g and  cerealose 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If very pain and burning sensation in stomach,add shigao 150g,zhimu 90g.

3)blood stasis in stomach

Main symptom:pricking pain in stomach,worse when pressed,the painful area is fixed,pain seriously at night or when eating,dark and purple tongue,thready and unsmooth pulse.

Danggui 100g  danshen 200g  shengpuhuang 150g  wulingzhi 150g  Yanhusuo 150g  muxiang 90g  tanxiang 60g  sanqi 100g  chenpi 60g  Meiguihua 60g  ciweipi 90g  lulutong 100g  taizishen 300g  baishao 200g  baizhu 100g  shenqu 100g  maidong 100g  gancao 90g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 200g and  cerealose 200g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If yellowish complexion,add renshen 50g,huangqi 150g

4)phlegm and morbid fluid retension in stomach

Main symptom:stomach pain and distension, vomiting of slaver,sticky sensation in mouth,tastelessness in mouth,loss of appetite,white,thick and greasy coating,soft pulse.

Fuling 300g  guizhi 60g  baizhu 150g  cangzhu 100g  houpo 100g  Caoguo 100g  sharen 60g  baidoukou 60g  gansong 60g  lulutong 100g  foushou 100g  xiangyuan 100g  zisu 100g  zhibanxia 150g  chenpi 100g  zhishi 150g  xuanfuhua 150g  shenqu 100g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 200g and  cerealose 200g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If white complexion,lassitude,add dangshen 100g,huangqi 150g

5)heat-dampness obstructed in stomach

Main symptom:burning pain in stomach,chest fullness,bitter and sticky mouth,poor appetite, gastric upset,burning sensation in anus,difficult bowels movement,dysuria,yellowish and greasy coating,soft and rapid pulse.

Huanglian 100g  houpo 100g  shanzhi 90g  zhibanxia 100g wuzhuyu 60g  peilan 150g  huangqin 150g  baizhu 150g  cangzhu 100g daidaihua 60g  chuanlianzi 150g  shichangpu 150g  chaihu 60g  pugongying 150g  shengma 30g  baishao 150g  shenqu 100g  jineijin 90g  gancao 90g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 200g and  cerealose 200g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If sticky mouth,stomach distension,greasy coating,add miren 300g,heye 150g.

7 Reflux esophagitis

Reflux esophagitis belongs to “acid reflux”, “chest pain”, “cardiac spasm” in TCM.Its manifestation is heart-burn pain,acid reflux or dysphagia. It includes 3 patterns:deficiency of spleen and stomach;heat accumulated in liver and stomach;inter-obstruction of phlegm and qi.

1)deficiency of spleen and stomach

Main symptom: dysphagia,vomiting of watery fluid,lassitude,poor appetite, emaciation,thin coating,thready pulse.

Huangqi 200g  dangshen 200g  baizhu 150g  baishao 300g banxia 100g  fuling 300g  xuanfuhua 300g  shidi 90g  huangqin 60g  chuanlian 30g  ganjiang 60g  chenpi 60g  sugen 100g  lulutong 150g  gouju 100g  gansong 60g  zhigancao 90g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 200g and  cerealose 200g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If gradually thin,dry mouth with desire to drinks,remove chuanlian,ganjiang,add gouqizi 100g,shihu 100g,maidong 100g.

2)heat accumulated in liver and stomach

Main symptom:irascibility,quick in temper,burn pain behind chest bone,and spread to bilateral hypochondria,seriously when eating,bitter and dry mouth,acid reflux,thin yellowish coating,wiry and rapid pulse.

Banxia 100g  chenpi 60g  zhuru 100g  fuling 150g  chuanlian 50g  Pipaye 150g  chaihu 100g  yujin 100g  danpi 150g  danshen 150g  Huangliang 60g  xiakucao 150g  baishao 150g chuanlianzi 150g  Bayuezha 100g  shengdihuang 100g  shihu 150g  yuzhu 150g Haigeke 150g  walengzi 100g  haipiaoxiao 100g  shenqu 100g zhigancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 200g and  cerealose 200g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If burn pain behind chest bone obviously,add pugongying 300g, diyu 150g,baiji 100g.

3)inter-obstruction of phlegm and qi

Main symptom:choking sensation when swallow,belching, hiccup,vomiting of slaver,distension and suppression in chest and epigastric,greasy coating,soft pulse.

Chaihu 100g  yujin 100g  gualoupi 150g  zhishi150g  banxia 100g  chenpi 90g  houpo 100g  fuling 200g  cangzhu 100g  baizhu 100g  Xuanfuhua 150g  zisugen 150g  suluozi 100g  foushou 100g  bayuezha 100g  shichangpu 150g  sharen 60g  baidoukou 60g  shidi 60g  guya 100g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 200g and  cerealose 200g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If choking sensation is very seriously when swallow,add chuanshanjia100g,chuanbeimu 100g,xiakucao 150g

8 gastroptosis

Gastroptosis refers to the inferior border of stomach  drops to cavitas pelvis and the superior to the line of two crest of ilium when standing.Its symptoms are epigastric fullness, nausea,belching, anorexy, vague pain in abdominal part,the symptoms are aggravate when eating, standing with long time or tired.According to TCM,this is a deficiency disease caused by qi failing to lifting due to deficiency of spleen and stomach,deficiency of middle-jiao.

Deficiency of spleen and  stomach

Main symptom:epigastric and abdominal fullness,seriously when eating, anorexia,lassitude, emaciation,dizziness,thin white coating,thready pulse.

Renshen 50g  shenghuangqi 200g  dangshen 200g  baizhu 100g  Baishao 150g  shanyao 150g  huangjing 100g  zhishi 100g  fuling 150g  chaihu 60g  shengma 60g  chenpi 50g  banxia 100g  muxiang 30g  danggui 90g  zhigancao 90g  sharen 50g jineijin 60g  maiya 150g  gansong 90g  dazao 100g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao, renshen and dazao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; decoct renshen separately ,add the decoction to the decocted extract;add dazao to the decocted extract without core and peel;soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 200g and  cerealose 200g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If poor appetite,loose stool,add yiyiren 100g,qianshi 150g,lianzi 100g.

If vomiting of watery fluid, nausea,add xuanfuhua 150g,shidi 60g.

If cold manifestations and limbs,the symptoms relieve when epigastric and abdominal part are warm, add ganjiang 60g,zhifuzi 30g.

9 chronic diarrhea

Diarrhea is a disease of frequent defecation,loose stool with indigested food or mucus.It includes acute and chronic diarrhea .The latter refers to the course of diarrhea is more than two mouth,or the disease iterated onstes in 2 to 4 weeks. It caused by the large intestine failing to transmit due to deficiency of spleen and stomach,liver qi attacking spleen or deficiency of spleen and kidney yang.

1)Liver-spleen disorder

Main symptom:abdominial pain, rugitus,diarrhea,onset when anger,the pain relieve after diarrhea,red tongue with thin white coating,wiry and thready pulse.

Baizhu 200g  baishao 300g  chenpi 100g  dangshen 150g  fuling 150g  chaihu 100g  zhike 300g  bayuezha 100g  foushou 150g  xiangyuan 100g  juyuan 100g  gansong 60g  muxiang 60g  shanyao 300g  biandou 150g  qianshi 200g  shiliupi 150g chishizhi 150g  yuyuliang 150g  shenqu 100g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If diarrhea when abdominal pain,the pain can’t relieve after diarrhea,add qingpi 100g, xiangfu 100g.

2)deficiency of spleen qi

Main symptom:loose stool with indigested food,frequent defecation when eating greasy,pale tongue with thin greasy coating,soft and thready pulse.

Renshen 50g  dangshen 200g  huangqi 150g  fuling 200g baizhu 200g  baishao 100g  shanyao 200g  biandou 150g lianzi 150g  qianshi 150g  sharen 50g  baidoukou 60g roudoukou 90g  yiyiren 300g  chenpi 100g  banxia 100g  gouju 60g  zhishi 90g  shanzha 100g  jineijin 90g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and renshen for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; decoct renshen separately ,add the decoction to the decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add cerealose 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If abdominal distention ,belching,add muxiang 100g,chenxiang 30g.

3)deficiency of spleen-kidney yang

Main symptom:diarrhea in morning,loose stool with indigested food,cold pain in abdominal part with desire of warm,cold manifestation and limbs,pale big tongue with white coating,deep and thready pulse.

Buguzhi 150g  roudoukou 100g  wuzhuyu 60g  wuweizi 100g Dangshen 200g  ganjiang 100g  baizhu 150g  baishao 150g  Fuling 150g  shanyao 150g  tusizi 150g  lianzi 150g  qianshi 150g  Chishizhi 150g  yuyuliang 150g  wuyao 90g  guya 100g  dazao 150g  gancao 90g  e’jiao 150g  lujiaojiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and lujiaojiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and lujiaojiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add cerealose 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If deficiency constitution with long time diarrhea,add huangqi 200g,chishizhi 200g.

If aversion to cold and cold limbs,add zhifuzi 100g,paojiang 100g.

10  habitual constipation

It is a disease due to the large intestine failing to transmit.It includes 5 patterns: qi stagnation; large intestine failing to transport due to qi deficiency; dry intestine due to blood deficiency;deficiency of liver and kidney yin;deficiency of spleen and kidney yang.

1)qi stagnation

Main symptom:dry stool,difficult defecation, awareness of defecation after a defecation,the symptoms change with emotion,pink tongue with white coating,wiry pulse.

Chenxiang 60g  muxiang 100g  binglang 150g  wuyao 100g zhishi 150g  houpo 100g  dahuang 100g  laifuzi 150g quangualou 300g  danggui 100g  shengdihuang 100g  shenqu 100g  guya 100g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If depression,add chaihu 100g,xiangfu 100g.

2) large intestine failing to transport due to qi deficiency

Main symptom:stool is not very dry but difficult to defecate,exerting strength and sweating,short breath when defecating,tired after defecation. lassitude, weakness of  limbs,poor appetite,pale tongue with white coating,thready pulse.

Huangqi 200g  baizhu 200g  dangshen 200g  fuling 150g huomaren 300g  yuliren 150g  xinren 100g  taoren 100g  binglang 100g  zhishi 150g  houpo 100g  chenpi 100g  guya 100g  gancao 50g  e’jiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If tenesmus but no defecation,or archoptosis,add shengma 30g, chaihu 60g,zhiqiao 150g.

3) dry intestine due to blood deficiency

Main symptom:dry stool,dizziness,palpitation,insomnia,dreamful and forgetful,yellowish complexion,pale tongue with white coating,thready pulse.

Danggui 150g  shengdihuang 200g  huomaren 200g  taoren 150g Shengshouwu 200g  zhishouwu 200g  baishao 150g  huangqi 100g  Tiandong 200g  maidong 200g  xuanshen 150g  shihu 150g  sangshenzi 200g  chenpi 60g  houpo 90g  zhiqiao 100g  guya 100g Zhigancao 50g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If lassitude and short breath,add dangshen 200g,baizhu 100g.

4)deficiency of liver and kidney yin

Main symptom:dry stool, emaciation,heat sensation in the palms,soles and chest,flushed cheeks,dry throat,dizziness, soreness and weakness of lower back and knee,red tongue without fluid,deep and thready pulse.

Shengdihuang 300g  shoudihuang 150g  shanyao 100g  gouqizi 150g  Nvzhenzi 150g  sangshenzi 300g  tiandong 150g  maidong 150g  Heidadou 300g  danpi 100g  digupi 150g  duzhong 100g  chuanniuxi 150g  shengshouwu 200g  zhishouwu 200g danggui 100g  juemingzi 200g  zhiqiao 150g  houpo 100g guya 100g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 150g  guibanjiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If neurolysis,dizziness,add huangjing 150g,dangshen 150g.

5)deficiency of spleen and kidney yang

Main symptom:difficult bowels movement,abdominal cold pain,cold limbs,aversion to cold,soreness and weakness of lower back and knee,pale complexion,pale tongue with white coating,deep and thready pulse.

Roucongrong 300g  suoyang 150g  tusizi 150g  shudihuang 200g  Huainiuxi 150g  huomaren 150g  danggui 100g  ganjiang 50g  fuzi30g  dahuang 90g  houpo 100g  zhiqiao 150g  shenqu 100g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If poor appetite,add baizhu 100g,fuling 150g,chenpi 50g.

If abdominal cold pain,add wuyao 100g,muxiang 50g.

11 fatty liver

According to TCM,fatty liver includes excess and deficiency syndromes.The excess syndromes are caused by grease and turbid damp accumulating in liver due to improper diet,preference for grease or grease and blood stasis accumulating in liver due to liver qi stagnation and blood stasis. The deficiency syndromes are caused by deficiency of liver and kidney,no nourishment of the liver,and grease accumulating in body due to deficiency constitution.It includes 3 syndromes:heat and dampness accumulated; qi stagnation and blood stasis;deficiency of liver and kidney.

1) heat and dampness accumulated

Main symptom:obesity,chest oppression,abdominal distension,distension sensation in liver part,dry and bitter mouth,or nausea,thin yellowish and greasy coating,soft and rapid pulse.

Huanglian 100g  huhuanglian 100g  huangqin 150g  banxia 100g  Zhishi 150g  chaihu 100g  shichangpu 150g  cangzhu 150g baizhu 150g  zhidahuang 100g  yinchen 200g  jiaoshanzhi 90g  fuling 150g  danshen 150g  chishao 150g  baishao 100g  quangualou 300g  jineijin 100g  shengshanzha 150g  binglang 100g  shenqu 100g  shenggancao 50g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 400g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If bitter and greasy taste in mouth,sometimes nausea,add peilan 150g, xuanfuhua 150g,jiangzhuru 100g.

If blood fat is high,add zexie 150g,shengshouwu 100g,taoren 100g.

2)qi stagnation and blood stasis

Main symptom:dim complexion, drawdown emotional sensitivity, distension or pricking pain in liver part,lassitude,thin coating,dark tongue with ecchymosis,unsmooth pulse.

Taoren 150g  honghua 100g  danggui 100g  chaochuanxiong 60g

Shengdihuang 100g  qingpi 100g  chaihu 100g  xiangfu 100g  yanhusuo 100g  chaozhiqiao 300g  bayuezha 100g  meiguihua 60g Chishao 150g  baishao 150g  danshen 300g  wulingzhi 100g  zhidahuang 150g  shenqu 100g  guya 150g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If pricking pain in liver part seriously or mass in liver, add dibiechong 100g,biejia 150g.

3) deficiency of liver and kidney

Main symptom:vague pain in liver part,dizziness,tinnitus,lassitude,dark complexion,thin coating,deep thready pulse.

Shengdihuang 150g  shudihuang 200g  baishao 200g  shanzhuyu 100g  Shanyao 150g  fuling 200g  danggui 100g  huangjing 150g gouqizi 150g  nvzhenzi 150g  hanliancao 150g  chushizi 100g  heshouwu 300g  chaihu 90g  zaoren 100g  danpi 100g  zexie 100g biejia 200g  shenqu 100g  gancao 60g  guibanjiao 100g e’jiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If blood fat is high,add danshen 150g,puhuang 100g,taoren 100g.

If soreness and weakness of lower back and knee,add duzhong 100g,xuduan 150g.

12 chronic hepatitis

According to TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs, most chronic hepatitis is syndrome of intermingled deficiency and excess or deficiency syndrome due to qi stagnation and blood stasis,disorder of yin and yang.It includes 3 patterns: Stagnation of liver qi and deficiency of spleen,;deficiency of liver and kidney; deficiency of spleen and kidney yang.

1)Stagnation of liver qi and deficiency of spleen

Main symptom:distension and pain in liver part,depression,poor appetite,stomach distension after eating,loose stool,lassitude,thin coating,wiry pulse.

Chaihu 100g  zhixiangfu 150g  zhiqiao 300g  qingpi 90g

chenpi 100g  dangshen 100g  baishao 200g  baizhu 150g  chuanxiong 60g  danggui 100g  fuling 300g  shanyao 150g  bayuezha 100g  suluozi 100g  hehuanpi 100g  shengdihuang 150g  gouqizi 150g  wuweizi 100g  gansong 100g  sharen 60g  jineijin 90g  zhigancao 60g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If loose stool,poor appetite,add lianzi 100g,qianshi 100g,biandou 150g.

2)deficiency of liver and kidney

Main symptom:vague pain in liver part,dizziness,dryness and discomfort of eyes,soreness and weakness of lower back and knee,lassitude, emaciation,dark complexion,thin coating,deep and thready pulse.

Shengdihuang 150g  shudihuang 150g  tiandong 150g  maidong 150g Gouqizi 150g  nvzhenzi 150g  sangshenzi 150g  tusizi 150g  tongjili 150g  baishao 150g  huangjing 150g  danshen 150g  danggui 100g  fuling 150g  shanyao 150g  shanzhuyu 100g  danpi 100g  zexie 100g  wuweizi 100g  qingpi 90g  chenpi 90g  chaihu 100g  baizhu 150g  lv’e’mei 100g  shenqu 100g  maiya 300g  gancao 90g  guibanjiao 100g  e’jiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If  soreness and weakness of lower back and knee seriously,add duzhong 100g,xuduan 150g.

If fever with restlessness,tidal fever and night sweat,add zhimu 90g, huangbo 100g,ludouyi 150g.

3)deficiency of spleen and kidney yang

Main symptom:vague pain in liver part,cold manifestations and limbs,

cold pain of lower back and knee,indigestion,loose stool or with indigested food,thin greasy coating,deep thready pulse.

Huangqi 150g  dangshen 150g  baizhu 150g  baishao 200g  lingzhi 150g  fuzi 60g  ganjiang 60g  fuling 150g  tusizi 150g  shayuanzi 150g  shanzhuyu 100g  buguzhi 100g  yinyanghuo 100g  yizhiren 100g  duzhong 150g  chaihu 90g  xiangfu 100g  wuweizi 100g  danshen 150g  shenqu 100g  maiya 100g  hongjingtian 100g  gancao 90g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If cold pain of lower back and knee,add xuduan 100g,sangjisheng 100g

If indigestion,add jineijin 100g

4)blood stasis

Main symptom:a little pricking pain in liver part,little hepatic cirrhosis,lassitude,dim complexion, emaciation,dark tongue with ecchymosis,unsmooth pulse.

Taoren 150g  honghua 100g  danggui 100g  chuanxiong 60g  danshen300g  danpi 100g  chishao 150g  zhidahuang 150g  wulingzhi 100g  yanhusuo 150g  chaihu 100g  zhiqiao 300g  yujin 100g  baishao 300g  huangqi 100g  fuling 300g  baizhu 100g  shengdihuang 100g  biejia 200g  shenqu 100g  maiya 100g  zhigancao 60g  biejiajiao 300g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except biejiajiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak biejiajiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If a little abdominal dropsy, add yimucao 300g,niuxi 100g.

13 hepatic cirrhosis

According to TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs, most hepatic cirrhosis in earlier period is syndrome of intermingled deficiency and excess due to being addicted to drink,damaging liver and spleen,or qi stagnation and blood stasis due to depression,or disorder of zang-fu due to long time diseases,resulting in deficiency and blood stasis.

1)qi stagnation and blood stasis

Main symptom:distension and pricking pain in liver part,hard when press, dim complexion,lassitude,poor appetite,dark tongue with thin coating, wiry and unsmooth pulse.

Chaihu 100g  qingpi 90g  chenpi 100g  yujin 100g  zhixiangfu 100g  Danggui 100g  taoren 150g  danshen 300g  sanleng 150g e’zhu 150g  chishao 200g  baishao 200g  shengdihuang 100g  jixueteng 300g  laifuzi 100g  shanzha 150g  maiya 100g  gancao 90g  biejiajiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except biejiajiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak biejiajiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If pricking pain in liver part seriously,add chuanlianzi 150g,yanhusuo 100g

If dry stool,add shengdahuang 30g,zhishi 100g,houpo 100g,binglang 150g

2)blood stasis due to deficiency

Main symptom:the pain in liver part aggravates gradually,hard when press,dark complexion, emaciation,lassitude,poor appetite,dizziness, dark tongue with thin coating,deep and thready pulse.

Shengdihuang 150g  danggui 100g  chuanxiong 60g  baishao 150g  Huangqi 150g  dangshen 150g  fuling 200g  baizhu 150g shanyao 150g  huangjing 150g  heshouwu 150g  gouqizi 150g  tongjili 100g  baijili 100g  danshen 300g  zhidahuang 100g  dibiechong 100g  chuanshanjia 100g  sanleng 150g  e’zhu 150g  qingpi 90g  chenpi 90g  yujin 100g  xiangfu 100g  maiya 100g  gancao 90g  e’jiao 100g  biejiajiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and biejiajiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and biejiajiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If abdominal dropsy,add yimucao 200g,zelan 100g,chuanniuxi 100g.

14 headache

Headache is a symptome in clinic which can been seen alone or one of symptoms of other acute or chronic diseases such as vascular headache due to dysfunction of vasomotion, tension headache due to long-term anxiety,tension or fatigue,headache due to the intracranial pressure is too high or low, headache due to craniocerebral trauma,headache due to common cold or the diseases of eyes,ears or teeth.

According to TCM, headache includes exogenous headache and headache with internal injury.The former is a excess syndrome with acute onset and severe pain which caused by wind-cold,wind-dampness and wind-heat.The latter is a syndrome of intermingled deficiency and excess or deficiency syndrome with slow onset and pain which caused by upper hyperactivity of liver yang, turbid phlegm disturbing, stagnation of blood stasis, deficiency of blood and essence.The headache with internal injury includes 4 patterns:kidney deficiency; hyperactivity of liver yang; turbid phlegm disturbing; stagnation of blood stasis.

1) kidney deficiency

Main symptom:headache and empty brain,dizziness,tinnitus,soreness of lower back,lassitude,pale tongue,deep and thready pulse.

Shengdihuang 100g  shudihuang 300g  shanzhuyu 150g shanyao 200g  huangjing 150g  chushizi 100g  gouqizi 100g  nvzhenzi 100g  duzhong 150g  roucongrong 150g  suoyang 100g  danggui 100g  chuanxiong 60g  dangshen 100g  baishao 150g  fuling 150g  niuxi 150g  yanhusuo 100g  manjingzi 100g  sharen 60g  zhigancao 60g  lujiao 150g  e’jiao 150g  guibanjiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and biejiajiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and biejiajiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If tinnitus likes cicada unceasing,add lingcishi 200g,shichangpu150g, gegen 150g.

If night sweat and burning sensation,add huangbo 100g,zhimu 100g,biejiajiao 150g.

2) hyperactivity of liver yang

Main symptom:headache,dizziness,irritability and reddish face and eyes,bitter mouth,red tongue with thin yellowish coating,wiry and rapid pulse.

Tianma 150g  gouteng 300g  shijueming 300g  zhenzhumu 300g  tongjili 150g  baijili 150g  niuxi 150g  baishao 150g shengdihuang 150g  gouqizi 150g  nvzhenzi 150g  juhua 100g  huangqin 100g  sangye 150g  cheqianzi 150g  fuling 150g  zaoren 150g  wuweizi 100g  yujin 90g  chenpi 60g  gancao 60g  maiya 100g  e’jiao 150g  biejiajiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and biejiajiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and biejiajiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If reddish face and eyes ,bitter mouth severely,add xiakucao 300g, longdancao 30g.

If hypochondrium pain,add yujin 100g,chuanlianzi 150g,chaihu 100g.

3)turbid phlegm disturbing

Main symptom:headache and feeling dazed,heaviness in head,vomting of saliva,fullness of chest,epigastric distension,greasy and tubid     coating,slippery pulse.

Banxia 100g  baizhu 150g  tianma 150g  fuling 150g  chenpi 60g  Shichangpu 150g  zexie 150g  manjingzi 100g  baijili 150g laifuzi 100g  tiannanxing 100g  zhuru 100g  xuanfuhua 150g  zhishi 100g  chuanxiong 60g  xixin 60g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If chest distress and nausea,add houpo 100g,zisu 100g.

4) stagnation of blood stasis

Main symptom:protracted headache at fixed location as if pricked with needles,or history of external injury of head,easily to tired,dark and purple of lip and tongue, thin coating,unsmooth pulse.

Taoren 150g  honghua 100g  chuanxiong 100g  danggui 100g  chishao 150g  baishao 200g  yujin 100g  dibiechong 100g  shuihonghuazi 100g  ruxiang 60g  moyao 60g  shengdihuang 100g  Xixin 60g  baizhi 150g  wangbuliuxing 100g  chuanshanjia 100g  tianma 100g  yinxinye 150g  jixueteng 300g  chenpi 60g  shenqu 100g  maiya 100g  zhigancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe pain of head,add quanxie 30g,wugong 30g.

If lassitude,add huangqi 100g,dangshen 150g,fuling 150g.

15 dizziness

According to TCM,dizziness includes deficiency and excess syndrome. The former is caused by hyperactivity of liver yang,disturbing seven orifices or retention of phlegmatic dampness, unrising of lucid yang.The latter is caused by failure of brain to be nourished due to deficiency of qi and blood,deficiency of kidney essence.

1)deficiency of qi and blood

Main symptom:dizziness,onset when tired,pale complexion,pale lip and nail,palpitation,insomnia,lassitude,pale tongue,thready pulse.

Tianma 150g  dangshen 300g  huangqi 150g  baizhu 100g  fuling 200g  baishao 300g  danggui 100g  suanzaoren 150g  shengdihuang 200g  shudihuang 200g  heshouwu 200g  gouqizi 150g  sangshenzi 150g  shanyao 150g  huangjing 150g  longyanrou 100g  dazao 100g  shengma 60g  chaihu 60g  muxiang 30g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If nausea,add jiangzhuru 100g,zhibanxia 100g,chenpi 60g,shengjiang 60g.

If palpitation,add danshen 300g,yuanzhi 100g.

2) deficiency of kidney essence

Main symptom:dizziness,lassitude,tinnitus, eyes blurred,insomnia, forgetful,soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs,pale tongue, deep and thready pulse.

Shudihuang 200g  shanzhuyu 150g  tusizi 150g  niuxi 150g  heshouwu 300g  shanyao 150g  huangjing 150g  tianma 150g  Fuling 150g  zexie 100g  baizhu 100g  gouqizi 200g  nvzhenzi 200g  Duzhong 150g  sangjisheng 150g  niuxi 100g  shichangpu 150g  Yuanzhi 100g  chenpi 60g  muxiang 30g  guya 100g  gancao 60g  Guibanjiao 100g  e’jiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs, emissions,add buguzhi 100g,yizhiren 100g.

If tidal fever,night sweat,heat sensation in the palms,soles and chest,add huangbo 90g,zhimu 60g,chuanniuxi 100g.

If cold limbs and manifestation,aversion to cold,add lujiao 100g, roucongrong 150g,yinyanghuo 150g.

16 hypertensive disease

Hypertensive disease belongs to “headache”, “dizziness”, “stroke” in TCM.According to differentiation of symptoms and signs,it includes excess and deficiency syndrome.The former is caused by hyperactivity of liver yang due to anger damging liver and converting into fire.The latter is caused by deficiency of liver and kidney yin and flaming of fire in a deficiency condition due to long-term disease.

1)hyperactivity of liver yang

Main symptom: hypertension,severe headache,reddish of face and eyes, irritability,bitter mouth,dry stool,yellowish urine,thin yellowish coating,wiry and rapid pulse.

Xiakucao 300g  juhua 150g  gouteng 300g  huangqin 100g  shanzhi 90g  shengdihuang 150g  xuanshen 100g  shijueming 300g  zhenzhumu 300g  shenglonggu 300g  muli 150g  baishao 150g  ludouyi 150g  cijili 150g  cheqianzi 150g  sangshenzi 150g chenpi 30g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dry mouth and high fever,dry stool,add shengdahuang 90g.

2)deficiency of liver and kidney yin

Main symptom: hypertension,dizziness,tinnitus,weakness and soreness of lower back and limbs,depressed, irritability,insomnia,dry mouth,red tongue with little coating,wiry thready and rapid pulse.

Tianma 150g  shengdihuang 200g  shudihuang 200g  shanzhuyu 100g  Zexie 100g  sangshen 150g  baishao 150g  nvzhenzi 200g  hanliancao 150g  gouteng 300g  shijueming 150g  zhenzhumu 150g  Shenglonggu 300g  shengmuli 300g  niuxi 100g  sangjisheng 200g

Danshen 150g  shihu 100g  shenqu 100g  biejia 150g   guibanjiao 100g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If flustered and insomnia,add yuanzhi 100g,suanzaoren 200g.

If limbs anesthesia,add jiangcan 150g.

17 sequelae of apoplexy

According to differentiation of symptoms and signs, sequelae of apoplexy is caused by blockage of qi and blood circulation ,failure of skin and tendon and vessel to be nourished due to deficiency in origin(qi and yin deficiency) and excess in superficiality(blood stasis and turbid phlegm). 1)blood stasis due to qi deficiency

Main symptom: hemiplegia,deviation of the tongue and mouth,intricate and obscure speech or no speech, hemianesthesia,pale complexion,short breath,lassitude,involuntary drooling,swelling of limbs,pale tongue,thready pulse.

Zhihuangqi 300g  dangshen 200g  honghua 100g  chuanxiong 100g  Taoren150g  danggui 100g  chishao 150g  dilong 150g  danshen 300g  yujin 150g  chuanduan 150g  chuanniuxi 150g  huainiuxi 150g  fuling 150g  baizhu 100g  tianma 100g ciwujia 100g  sanqi 100g  chenpi 60g  shenqu 100g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 300g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If intricate and obscure speech,add yuanzhi 100g,shichangpu 150g

If numbness of limbs,add mugua 150g,shenjincao 200g.

2) stirring of wind due to deficiency of yin

Main symptom: hemiplegia,deviation of the tongue and mouth,intricate and obscure speech or no speech, hemianesthesia,dizziness,tinnitus, irritability,insomnia,heat sensation in the soles and palms.

Shengdihuang 150g  shudihuang 150g  baishao 300g  xuanshen 100g  Tiandong 100g  maidong 100g  shenglonggu 300g  shengmuli 300g  Daizheshi 200g  cishi 300g  tianma 150g  gouteng 150g  baijuhua 150g  danggui 100g  jixueteng 150g  shichangpu 150g  dilong 150g  shenqu 100g  chenpi 30g  guya 100g  guibanjiao 100g  biejiajiao 100g  e’jiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao,biejiajiao and guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao,biejiajiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe irritability and insomnia,add huangqin 150g,shanzhi 150g, yejiaoteng 300g.

If spasm of limbs,add quanxie 20g,jiangcan 150g.

18 insomnia

1)Deficiency of heart and spleen

Main symptom:dreamful, flustered,forgetful,dizziness,poor appetite,pale complexion,pale tongue with thin coating,thready pulse.

Huangqi 300g  dangshen 150g  baizhu 150g  baishao150g Huangjing 100g  yuanzhi 150g  lingzhi 150g  suanzaoren 300g  Ciwujia 100g  wuweizi 150g  baiziren 150g  yejiaoteng 300g  Danshen 300g  fuling 150g  danggui 100g  shudihuang 150  Longyanrou 100g  jiegen 30g  chenpi 50g  muxiang 15g  sharen 60g  Shenqu 100g  zhigancao 50g  hongzao 150g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe insomnia,add shenglonggu200g,shenglongchi 200g.

2)flaming of fire from yin deficiency

Main symptom:irritability,insomnia,palpitation,dizziness,tinnitus,heat sensation in the palms,soles and chest,dry mouth,with little or without fluid,thready and rapid pulse.

Shengdihuang 200g  shudihuang 200g  maidong 150g  baihe 150g  Danggui 100g  dangshen 100g  danshen 300g  fuling 150g  wuweizi 150g  suanzaoren 300g  yuanzhi 100g  yejiaoteng 300g  lingzhi 150g  cishi 300g  chuanniuxi 100g  chuanlian 30g chenpi 60g  sharen 50g  guya 100g  gancao 100g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If heat sensation in the palms,soles and chest,night sweat,tidal fever,add huangbo 100g,zhimu 60g,guibanjiao 100g.

3)deficiency of heart and gallbladder qi

Main symptom:insomnia,dreamful, awaken with a startle when sleep, frightened, palpitation,short breath,lassitude,thin coating,soft and thready pulse.

Dangshen 150g  fuling 300g  shichangpu 200g  yuanzhi 100g Shenglonggu 300g  shenglongchi 300g  suanzaoren 150g  hehuanpi 150g  yejiaoteng 300g  wuweizi 100g  ciwujia 100g  lingzhi 150g  banxia 90g  dannanxing 60g  zhuru 100g huanglian 60g  chuanxiong 60g  maidong 150g  baihe 150g  muxiang 30g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe frightened, palpitation,add cishi 200g,zhenzhumu 200g.

19 depressed syndrome

Depressed syndrome is a disease marked by depression,restless, insomnia,or tantrum and cry with no reason,a subjective sensation as if something stuffed in the throat.It is caused by qi stagnation due to depression which includes 3 patterns:liver qi stagnation and phlegm accumulation; depression damaging heart and spleen; flaming of fire from yin deficiency.

1)liver qi stagnation and phlegm accumulation

Main symptom: depression,restless, hypochondrium pain, irritability,headache,reddish of eyes,dry and bitter mouth, a subjective sensation as if something stuffed in the throat,which can neither be thrown up nor swallowed down,thin coating,wiry pulse.

Chaihu 90g  xiangfu 90g  yujin 100g  qingpi 60g  chenpi 60g Zhishi 150g  banxia 100g  foushou 150g  xiangyuan 150g  zexie 100g  fuling 150g  shengdihuang 100g  baishao 100g

suanzaoren 150g  danshen 150g  hehuanpi 100g  yejiaoteng 150g  yuanzhi 100g  shenqu 00g  guya 100g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe headache,reddish of eyes,bitter and dry mouth,add jiaoshanzhi 100g,xiakucao 200g.

If a subjective sensation as if something stuffed in the throat,add houpo 100g,zisu 150g.

2) depression damaging heart and spleen

Main symptom: captation of emotion,over thinking,restless,insomnia, forgetful,dizziness,lassitude,poor appetite,pale tongue with thin coating, thready pulse.

Huaixiaomai 300g  dazao 250g  zhigancao 100g  suanzaoren 200g  Baiziren 150g  danggui 100g  baishao 150g  shengdihuang 150g  Chuanxiong 60g  huangqi 150g  dangshen 150g  fuling 150g  baizhu 100g  yujin 100g  xiangfu 100g  hehuanpi 100g  longyanrou 100g  zhiyuanzhi 100g  suanzaoren 150g  lingzhi 100g wuweizi 100g  danshen 150g  guya 100g  maiya 100g  muxiang 30g  e’jiao 150g  guibanjiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao,guibanjiao and longyanrou for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract and longyanrou(clipping to pieces);then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If poor appetite,loose stool,add shanyao 150g,biandou 150g,shichangpu 150g,jineijin 100g.

If palpitation and insomnia,add wuweizi 100g.

3) flaming of fire from yin deficiency

Main symptom:restless,dizziness, irritability,insomnia,forgetful,sweating, soreness of lower back, emissions,dry mouth,thin coating with little fluid,deep,thready and rapid pulse.

Shengdihuang 200g  shudihuang 200g  shanzhuyu 100g  shanyao 150g  fuling 150g  zexie 100g  danpi 150g  yuzhu 150g  tiandong 150g  maidong 150g  shihu 100g  nvzhenzi 150g  hanliancao 150g  gouqizi 100g  chaihu 90g  yujin 100g  shanzhi 60g  niuxi 150g  zhenzhumu 300g  cishi 200g  shenqu 100g  maiya 100g  guibanjiao 100g  biejiajiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao and biejiajiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao and biejiajiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs, emissions ,add duzhong 100g,tusizi 150g,duanmuli 150g.

20 coronary artery disease

This disease is deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality which belongs to “obstruction of qi in chest and heart pain” in TCM.The deficiency in origin refers to deficiency of heart qi,heart yang and blood and the excess in superficiality refers to blood stasis,phlegm turbid and qi stagnation due to cold. Its pathogenesis is obstruction of heart collaterals.

1)blood stasis due to qi deficiency

Main symptom:heart pain,onset when tired,lassitude,short breath, palpitation,spontaneous sweating,pale tongue with ecchymosis,thready pulse.

Renshen 100g  dangshen 150g  huangqi 300g  fuling 150g  wuweizi 100g  guizhi 60g  zhigancao 150g  danggui 100g  chuanxiong 100g  chishao 200g  taoren 150g  sanqi 150g

gegen 200g  danshen 300g  yinyanghuo 100g  guya 100g  maiya 100g  e’jiao 300g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe palpitation,add shenglonggu 300g,shengmuli 300g.

If chest distress,add zhiqiao 300g,gualoupi 150g.

2)yin deficiency and blood obstruction

Main symptom:heart pain,onset when tired,palpitation,discomfort, insomnia,dreamful,soreness of lower back,tinnitus, dry mouth, constipation,red tongue with ecchymosis,thready and unsmooth pulse.

Shengdihuang 200g  shudihuang 200g  baishao 150g  maidong 150g  tiandong 150g  danggui 100g  chuanxiong 100g  chishao 200g  taoren 150g  sanqi 100g  danshen 300g  nvzhenzi 200g  gouqizi 200g  hanliancao 200g  sangshenzi 150g  sangjisheng 100g  lingzhi 150g  quangualou 300g  shenqu 100g  chenpi 50g  wuweizi 100g  e’jiao 200g  guibanjiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe insomnia,add suanzaoren 150g,baiziren 150g

If dizziness,add tianma 150g,heshouwu 200g.

3)obstruction of thoracic-yang

Main symptom:heart pain radiating to back,the pain is severe when cold,relieved when warm,cold manifestion and limbs,pale complexion, difficulty to lie down due to dyspnea,green-purple tongue,unsmooth pulse.

Fuzi 60g  rougui 30g  guizhi 100g  renshen 100g  huangqi 300g  Zhishi 150g  xiebai 100g  xixin 50g  danggui 100g  chuanxiong 100g  chishao 150g  baishao 300g  jixueteng 150g yinyanghuo 150g  danshen 200g  zelan 100g  jianghuang 60g shengdihuang 100g  shenqu 100g  zhigancao 100g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe heart pain,darkening before eyes,taking suhexiangwan or shexiangbaoxinwan.

If severe palpitation and short breath,add hongshen 15g.

21 palpitation

1) deficiency of heart blood

Main symptom: palpitation and severe palpitation,dizziness,pale complexion,lassitude,short breath,pale tongue,thready pulse.

Huangqi 200g  dangshen 150g  baizhu 100g  fuling 150g  zhigancao 100g  danggui 100g  longyanrou 100g  suanzaoren 150g  zhi yuan zhi 100g  wuweizi 100g  danshen 200g  lingzhi 150g  jie gen 60g  shichangpu 150g  jixueteng 200g  shengdihuang 150g  shudihuang 150g  baishao 100g  ciwujia 100g  hongjingtian 100g  kushen 90g  hongzao 150g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe dizziness,add shouwu 200g,gouqizi 150g,nvzhenzi 150g.

2)deficiency of heart yang

Main symptom: palpitation and severe palpitation,pale complexion, deficiency of qi,cold manifestation and limbs,lassitude,pale and green tongue,slow pulse.

Zhifuzi 100g  guizhi 100g  shenglonggu 300g  shengmuli 300g  Huangqi 300g  dangshen 150g  yinyanghuo 150g  yuanzhi 100g  Danshen 200g  wuweizi 100g  kushen 100g  maidong 150g  fuling 150g  jixueteng 150g  lingzhi 150g  ciwujia 100g  guya 100g zhigancao 100g  e’jiao 300g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If cold manifestation and short breath,add shengshaishen 30g.

If deficient constitution, iteratted common cold,add baizhu 100g,fangfeng 60g,baishao 150g.

3)deficiency of heart yin

Main symptom:palpitation,restless,insomnia,heat sensation of palms and soles,tidal fever and sweating,dry mouth,dry stool,red tongue with little coating,thready and rapid pulse.

Shengdihuang 150g  shudihuang 150g  maidong 150g  baihe 300g  Xiyangshen 100g  danshen 200g  wuweizi 100g  lingzhi 150g  Ciwujia 100g  kushen 100g  shenglonggu 300g  shengmuli 300g  Suanzaoren 150g  taizishen 300g  shihu 150g  xuanshen 100g  Nvzhenzi 150g  chushizi 150g  fuling 150g  yujin 60g  chenpi 60g  Guya 100g  zhigancao 100g  guibanjiao 300g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If night sweat,add duanlonggu 300g,duanmuli 300g.

4) blockage of phlegm and blood stasis

Main symptom:palpitation,chest distress ,breathlessness,loose stool,poor appetite,darkish complexion,dark tongue with greasy white coating,soft and slow pulse.

Danggui 100g  danshen 300g  chuanxiong 100g  chishao 150g  Baishao 150g  taoren 150g  honghua 100g  yanhusuo 150g  puhuang 100g  wulingzhi 100g  meiguihua 90g  tanxiang 60g  hupo 60g  yujin 100g  shichangpu 150g  chenpi 60g  fuling 150g  banxia 100g  baizhu 100g  zhishi 150g  yuanzhi 100g  jiegen 60g  shenqu 100g  gancao 90g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe palpitation and heart pain,add sanqi 50g.

22 chronic nephritis

It is a disease belongs to “edema”, “bloody urine” ,which  marked by albuminuria, hematuria,edema, hypertension.

1)deficiency of spleen and kidney

Main symptom:edema,cold kimbs,weakness and soreness of lower back and limbs,poor appetite,loose stool,pale tongue with thin coating,deep and thready pulse.

Shengdihuang 150g  shudihuang 150g  fuling 300g  zexie 100g  Shanyao 300g  shanzhuyu 300g  tusizi 150g  shayuanzi 150g Duzhong 100g  gouji 100g  dangshen 150g  huangqi 150g  chuanniuxi 150g  huanniuxi 150g  cheqianzi 100g  chaobaizhu 150g yimucao 300g  danshen 150g  shenqu 100g  jineijin 90g  maiya 100g  zhigancao 30g  e’jiao 150g  guibanjiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe cold limbs,add fuzi 30g,rougui 15g.

If iteratted common cold,add fangfeng 150g,jingjie 100g.

If iterated bloody urine,add hanliancao 300g,xianhecao 300g,sanqi 90g.

If severe albuminuria,add lianzi 100g,qianshi 300g,baiguo 150g,luhancao 150g.

2)damp-disturbed disorder due to deficiency in spleen

Main symptom:edema,epigastric fullness,abdominal distension,lassitude, deficient breath,heavy limbs,poor appetite,pale and big tongue with greasy coating,soft and thready pulse.

Huangqi 300g  dangshen 150g  baizhu 150g  cangzhu 100g  fuling 150g  yiyiren 300g  zhuling 150g  zexie 100g  fangji 150g cheqianzi 150g  guizhi 30g  dongguapi 200g  chuanniuxi 100g  chuanxiong 30g  danshen 150g  wuyao 90g  xiangfu 100g  qingpi 90g  chenpi 90g  shenqu 100g  guya 100g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If both epigastric and abdominal fullness,poor appetite,add zhiqiao 300g,sharen 60g,baidoukou 60g.

If loose stool,add biandou 150g,shanyao 150g.

23 hydropigenous nephritis

It is a disease belongs to “edema” or “deficiency”, “lower back pain” when no edema,which marked by albuminuria, hypoproteinemia, hyperlipemia,edema. According to TCM, the internal cause is deficiency of lung, spleen and kidney,and the external cause is cold,wind and dampness.

1)deficiency of spleen and kidney

Main symptom:edema all over the body, introcession when press, albuminuria,pale complexion,cold manifestation and limbs,poor appetite,loose stool,soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs, lassitude,pale tongue with thin coating,thready pulse.

Dangshen 200g  huangqi 200g  baizhu 150g  fuling 150g  shanyao 150g  huangjing 150g  zexie 100g  fangji 150g  dafupi 300g binglang 150g  zhuling 150g  shengdihuang 150g  shudihuang 150g  shanzhuyu 100g  buguzhi 100g  yizhiren 100g  gouji 100g shenqu 100g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe cold manifestation and limbs,remove shengdihuang,zexie,add fuzi 60g,rougui 30g,lujiaojiao 100g.

If loose stool,add miren 300g,lianzi 100g,qianshi 100g.

If blood albumin is low,add biejia 200g.

2)yin deficiency and damp-heat

Main symptom:edema, albuminuria,heat,sweating,red complexion, concentrated urine,dry mouth,dry stool,thin yellowish and greasy coating,thready and rapid pulse.

Shengdihuang 150g  shudihuang 150g  shanyao 200g  tusizi 150g  Shanzhuyu 100g  nvzhenzi 200g  hanliancao 300g  tiandong 150g  Maidong 150g  yuzhu 150g  zhimu 100g  huangbo 60g   chuanniuxi 100g  huanniuxi 100g  fuling 200g  zhuling 150g  zexie 100g  danpi 150g  danshen 150g  huashi 150g  dafupi 150g  chenpi 60g  gancao 60g  guibanjiao 100g  e’jiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe heat and sweating,add qinghao 150g,digupi 150g.

If concentrated urine,add shiwei 150g,cheqianzi 300g.

3)blockage of blood stasis and fluid

Main symptom:dark complexion,little urine,edema, albuminuria, emaciation,tired,poor appetite,dark puple of lip and tongue,unsmooth pulse.

Huang qi 200g  dan shen 300g  dang shen 300g  chuan xiong 100g  dang gui 100g  ze lan 60g  hong hua 60g  tao ren 150g  chishao 150g  Yimucao 300g  fangji 150g  chuanniuxi 150g  wujiapi 150g  baishao 150g  baizhu 150g  fuling 150g  zhuling 150g  yujin 60g  chenpi 60g  foushou 100g  sharen 60g  baidoukou 60g  guya 100g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If bloody urine,add puhuangtan 100g,diyutan 100g,sanqi power 50g.

If hypoproteinemia,add guiban 150g,biejia 200g.

24 urinary lithiasis

It belongs to “stranguria due to urolithiasis”, “stony stranguria” in TCM,which marked by bloody urine,lower back pain, lower abdomen pain radiating to internal thigh.The deficiency syndrome of urinary lithiasis is caused by deficiency of kidney yin or failure to qi activity due to decline of fire from gate of life.The excess syndrome of urinary lithiasis is caused by pouring of damp-heat,or lower jiao pathogenic fire derived from stagnation of liver-qi.

1)deficiency syndrome

Main symptom:long-term course,accompanied with soreness of lower back,heavy legs,dizziness,tinnitus,forgetfull,thin coating,deep and thready pulse.

Shudihuang 200g  shanzhuyu 150g  duzhong 100g  xuduan 150g  Sangjisheng 150g  jinqiancao 300g  haijinsha 300g  shiwei 150g Fuling 200g  zexie 100g  shanyao 200g  jineijin 100g Wangbuliuxing 100g  danggui 100g  zhixiangfu 60g  wuyao 60g  shenqu 100g  cheqianzi 100g  gancao 60g  hutaorou 150g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao,and hutaorou for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; grind the hutaorou into fine powder, add the powder to the decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If emaciation,red complexion,heat sensation in the palms,soles and chest,add chaohuangbo 100g,zhimu 100g.

If cold manifestation and limbs,aversion to cold,add lujiao 200g, yinyanghuo 150g.

2)excess syndrome

Main symptom:onset of urinary lithiasis,accompanied with lower back pain radiating to lower abdomen,dark urine,or bloody urine,dry mouth,red tongue with yellow and greasy coating,soft and rapid pulse.

Jinqiancao 300g  shiwei 300g  haijinsha 150g  dongkuizi 150g  jineijin 100g  cheqianzi 300g  huashi 150g  malanhua 150g  baimaogen 150g  chuanniuxi 150g  huangbo 90g  shengdihuang 150g  yanhusuo 150g  wuyao 100g  muxiang 30g  baishao 150g  shenqu 100g  gancao 90g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe lower back and abdominal pain,add chuanlianzi 150g,hupo 60g, sanqi 90g.

If severe bloody urine,add qiancao 150g,hanliancao 300g,xiaoji 300g.

25 nocturia due to old age

It is a disease marked by frequent night urine caused by decreasing of the function of kidney qi to arrest and failure of qi activity of bladder due to deficiency of kidney qi.

Main symptom:clear and frequent night urine,soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs,dizziness,tinnitus,lassitude,thin coating,deep and thready pulse.

Jinyingzi 300g  fupenzi 300g  shudihuang 150g  shanyao 300g  Buguzhi 150g  yizhiren 150g  baiguo 150g  sangpiaoxiao 200g Tusizi 150g  qianshi 150g  duzhong 120g  gouji 100g  gusuibu 100g  Hutaorou 150g  shanzhuyu 100g  fuling 100g  chenpi 60g  shenqu 100g  e’jiao 150g  lujiaojiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao,lujiaojiao and hutaorou for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; grind the hutaorou into fine powder, add the powder to the decocted extract; soak e’jiao and lujiaojiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If cold limbs,add rougui 30g,fuzi 15g.

If night sweating and heat,remove lujiaojiao,yizhiren and buguzhi,add guibanjiao 150g,shengmuli 150g.

26 diabetes

It is belongs to “xiaoke” in TCM,which marked by hyperglycemia, glucosuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, hyperdiuresis,lassitude, emaciation. The etiological factors are innate deficiency, deficiency of five viscera, spirit stimulus,disorder of emotion,over eating fat,obesity.

1)yin deficiency and dry heat (earlier period)

Main symptom: honey stomach, restlessness, tantrum, decline of endurance capacity, dizziness,dry mouth desire to drink,dry stool,red tongue with little coating,thready and rapid pulse.

Huangqi 300g  shanyao 300g  zhimu 150g  tianhuafen 150g yuzhu 150g  shihu 100g  maidong 150g  gegen 200g  wuweizi 100g  huanglian 100g  xuanshen 100g  shengdihuang 150g  chuanniuxi 100g  huangbo 60g  chenpi 60g  gancao 60g  guibanjiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add yuanzhensugar 50g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If spontaneous sweat,night sweat and heat,add danpi 150g,digupi 150g.

If restlessness, tantrum, dizziness,add huangqin 100g,shengshijueming 200g.

2)deficiency of qi and yin and blood stasis(intermediate stage)

Main symptom: polydipsia, polyphagia, hyperdiuresis,lassitude, emaciation,dryness of mouth,tongue and throat,yellowish urine,dry stool,dark red tongue with little coating,thready pulse.

Taizishen 300g  dangshen 150g  huangqi 150g  shanyao 150g  Huangjing 100g  fuling 300g  lingzhi 150g  shengdihuang 150g  Xuanshen 100g  maidong 150g  yuzhu 150g  wuweizi 100g  Danshen 200g  danpi 100g  taoren 100g  honghua 100g  chishao 150g  danggui 150g  digupi 300g  chenpi 60g  shenqu 100g  e’jiao 150g  guibanjiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao and e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add yuanzhensugar 50g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If chest distress and pain,add sanqi 50g.

If numbness of limbs,add jixueteng 150g,weilingxian 150g.

3)deficiency of yin and yang and inter-blockage of phlegm and blood stasis (advanced stage)

Main symptom:lassitude,chest distress,palpitation,forgetful,dizziness, tinnitus,soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs,short breath, numbness of limbs,edema of lower limbs, oliguria,loose stool,thin coating,deep and thready pulse.

Shengdihuang 200g  shudihuang 200g  fuling 150g  shanyao 200g  Zexie 150g  danshen 150g  danpi 150g  shanyurou 150g  tusizi 150g  Tongjili 150g  huangjing 150g  gouqizi 150g  nvzhenzi 150g  hanliancao 150g  roucongrong 150g   huangqi 100g  baizhu 150g  zhuling 150g  jixueteng 150g  yimucao 300g  shenqu 100g  chenpi 60g  digupi 300g  rougui 15g  guibanjiao 100g  e’jiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao and e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao and e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add yuanzhensugar 80g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs,add xuduan 150g,duzhong 150g.

If enuresis,add fupenzi 200g,jinyingzi 200g.

27 obesity

1)deficiency of spleen and kidney

Main symptom:obesity, a little edema in face,lassitude,normal appetite, loose stool, oliguria,edema of limbs,soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs,pale tongue with thin greasy coating,deep and thready pulse.

Dangshen 100g  chaobaizhu 150g  zhuling 150g  fuling 150g Huangqi 100g  shengshouwu 200g  zhishouwu 200g  gouqizi 150g Nvzhenzi 200g  shanzhuyu 100g  tusizi 100g  zhibanxia 100g   zexie 150g  cheqianzi 200g  dafupi 200g  binglang 150g juemingzi 200g  jiaogulan 100g  miren 300g  shanzha 150g  heye 300g  chenpi 90g  gancao 60g  guibanjiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe oliguria and edema,add chuanniuxi 150g,yimucao 150g, dongguapi 150g.

2)liver fail to sooth due to liver deficiency

Main symptom:obesity, restlessness, tantrum,fullness and distension of chest and hypochondrium, irregular menstruation or little menstrual volume, amenorrhea,dry and bitter mouth,thin yellowish coating,wiry pulse.

Danggui 100g  shengdihuang 150g  chuanxiong 60g  cangzhu 100g  Jiaoshanzhi 60g  chaihu 100g  xiangfu 100g  gouqizi 100g nvzhenzi 100g  yujin 100g  fuling 150g  baizhu 100g  chishao 150g  baishao 150g  meiguihua 60g  daidaihua 60g  suluozi 100g  qingpi 60g  chenpi 60g  xiakucao 300g  juemingzi 200g  heye 150g   lingzhi 100g  gancao 50g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If irregular menstruation, amenorrhea,add taoren 100g,honghua 60g,yimucao 20g.

3)excess heat of spleen and stomach

Main symptom:obesity,red complexion, polyphagia,easily to hungry, fullness and distension of chest and abdomen,constipation,concentrated urine,sweet and greasy sensation in mouth,red tongue with yellowish greasy coating,slippery and rapid pulse.

Jiaoshanzhi 90g  chuanlian 100g  huangqin 150g  xinren 150g miren 300g  chuanpo 100g  baizhu 150g  cangzhu 100g  zexie 150g  dahuang 100g  shengshouwu 150g  juemingzi 200g  jiaogulan 100g  yinchenhao 100g  peilan 150g  shanzha 150g  yuzhu 150g heye 150g  xiakucao 300g  huzhao 150g  caojueming 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If red complexion,bad breath,dry mouth,add shengshigao 300g,zhimu 100g,shengdihuang 100g,shengma 60g.

If concentrated urine,add qumai 150g,huashi 200g.

28 hyperlipemia

1)turbid phlegm due to spleen deficiency

Main symptom: hyperlipemia,abdominal distension,poor appetite,heavy limbs,lassitude,loose stool,edema, oliguria,greasy coating,slippery pulse.

Dangshen 100g  zhibanxia 100g  chenpi 100g  fuling 200g  yujin 100g  baifan 25g  zhuling 150g  chaobaizhu 150g  cangzhu 100g  yiyiren 300g  qianshi 150g  binglang 150g  dafupi 150g  guizhi 30g  zexie 150g  puhuang 100g  shanzha 150g  maiya 200g  gancao 60g  yinxinye 150g  huangmingjiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except huangmingjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak huangmingjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs,dizziness,add zhishouwu 200g,gouqi 150g,tusizi 150g.

2)pathogenic fire derived from stagnation of liver-qi

Main symptom: hyperlipemia, restlessness, tantrum,dizziness,headache, dryness of mouth and throat,dark urine,dry stool,red tongue with yellowish coating,wiry and rapid coating.

Chaihu 100g  jiaoshanzhi 60g  huzhao 150g  yinchen 150g  jiaogulan 100g  juhua 100g  sangye 150g  yujin 150g   chaohuangqin 100g  cheqianzi 300g  shengdahuang 60g shengshoouwu 150g  chuanniuxi 100g  chishao 150g  baishao 150g  nvzhenzi 150g  gouqizi 150g  shengshanzha 150g  zexie 150g  shenggancao 30g  jiaogulan 100g  huangmingjiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except huangmingjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak huangmingjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If chest distress and pain,add danshen 150g,sanqi 60g.

3)stomach heat

Main symptom: hyperlipemia,obesity,dry mouth desire to drink,bitter mouth, honey stomach,dry stool,yellowish coating,rapid pulse.

Shengdahuang 90g  chuanlian 60g  zhishi 150g  chuanpo 100g  shengdihuang 200g  danpi 100g  shigao 300g  chaoshengma 60g  Zhimu 100g  zexie 150g  yinchen 150g  chongweizi 150g  juemingzi 200g  beishashen 150g  maidong 100g  shihu 100g  jiaogulan 100g  maiya 200g  yuzhu 150g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dark urine,add cheqianzi 200g,huashi 200g

29 anaemia

It is a disease belongs to “consumption” which marked by pale or etiolate complexion,lassitude,short breath,palpitation,dizziness,tinnitus,poor appetite,forgetful.It is caused by weakness of constitution due to inherent defect;deficiency of spleen and kidney due to over working;failure to nurse  health after severe disease.

1)deficiency of kidney essence

Main symptom: etiolate complexion,dizziness,tinnitus, hypomnesia,soreness and weakness of lower back and limbs,lassitude, pale tongue with thin coating,deep and thready pulse.

Shudihuang 200g  gouqizi 200g  shanzhuyu 150g  shanyao 200g  Tusizi 200g  niuxi 150g  duzhong 100g  heshouwu 200g  huangjing 150g  roucongrong 200g  danggui 100g  baishao 150g  xianhecao 300g  lingzhi 150g  chuanxiong 50g  sharen 60g  muxiang 30g  guya 100g  dazao 150g  guibanjiao 100g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao and e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao and e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe tinnitus,add cishi 200g,shichangpu 150g,chaihu 50g.

If emaciation,poor appetite,add dangshen 150g,fuling 150g,baizhu 100g,zhigancao 50g.

2)deficiency of liver blood

Main symptom: etiolate complexion,pale lip,dizziness,tinnitus,blurred vision,insomnia,numbness of limbs,dry skin, trembling of limbs, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea,pale tongue,thready pulse.

Danggui 100g  shudihuang 300g  baishao 300g  fuling 150g  Xianhecao 300g  huangjing 150g  suanzaoren 300g  chuanxiong 60g  Heshouwu 200g  niuxi 150g  duzhong 150g  tusizi 150g   tongjili 150g  gouqizi 200g  nvzhenzi 200g  hanliancao 150g  mugua 150g  juhua 100g  shihu 150g  shenqu 100g  sharen 60g  gancao 60g  guibanjiao 100g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao and e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao and e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If numbness of limbs,muscle trembling,add jixueteng 300g,jiangcan 150g,quanxie 50g.

If little menstrual volume and pale color,add danshen 200g,lujiao 100g,xiangfu 100g.

3)deficiency of heart blood

Main symptom: etiolate complexion,pale lip,palpitation,severe palpitation,insomnia, dreamful, forgetful, dizziness,lassitude,pale tongue with thin coating,thready pulse.

Renshen 100g  dangshen 200g  huangqi 200g  fuling 150g  baizhu 100g  zhigancao 100g  danggui 100g  chuanxiong 30g  baishao 200g  huangjing 150g  shengdihuang 200g  shudihuang 200g  yinyanghuo 100g  suanzaoren 150g  baiziren 150g  lingzhi 150g  ciwujia 100g  zhiyuanzhi 100g  longyanrou 100g  chenpi 50g  muxiang 60g  sharen 60g  lujiaojiao 50g  e’jiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except longyanrou, guibanjiao and e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao and e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;add longyanrou(cut into pieces),mix it well with decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If forgetful,add wuweizi 100g,shichangpu 200g.

If palpitation,add maidong 300g,wuweizi 100g.

30 thrombopenia

It is a disease belongs to “peliosis”, “hematohidrosis”, “blood syndrome”, which marked by petech and ecchymosis,or nose bleeding, gingiva bleeding,urine bleeding, hemafecia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis.

1)bleeding caused by heat in blood

Main symptom:onste urgently,the color of spot is bright red,fever, polydipsia,dark urine,constipation,red tongue with yellow coating,rapid pulse.

Shuiniujiao 300g  shengdihuang 150g  chishao 150g  danpi 150g  Shengshigao 300g  zhimu 100g  xuanshen 150g  huanglian 90g  Shanzhi 90g  daqingye 100g  banlangen 150g  daji 150g  xiaoji 150g  Shenqu 100g  guya 100g  gancao 60g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe bleeding,add baimaogen 150g,cebaiye 150g,xianhecao 200g,hanliancao 300g.

2)yin deficiency and heat in blood

Main symptom:onste slowly, the color of spot is bright red or purple,heat sensation in the palms,soles and chest,dry and red tongue with little coating,thready and rapid pulse.

Shengdihuang 200g  shudihuang 200g  guiban 300g  danpi 150g  Chishao 100g  baishao 100g  zhimu 60g  huangbo 100g  huangqin 100g  qiancao 150g  ou’jie 150g  yangtigen 150g  cebaiye 150g  hanliancao 200g  nvzhenzi 150g  tiandong 150g  dangshen 100g  shihu 150g  danshen 150g  lianqiao 100g  zhuye 100g  guya 100g  maiya 100g  gancao 60g  e’jiao 150g  guibanjiao 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except guibanjiao and e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak guibanjiao and e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If hectic fever,heat sensation in the palms and soles,add digupi 200g,yinchaihu 150g.

If night sweat,add duanlonggu 300g,duanmuli 300g.

3)failure of blood circulating in vessels due to qi deficiency

Main symptom:long-term course, the color of spot is pink,lassitude, lusterless complexion,poor appetite,loose stool,pale tongue with white coating,thready pulse.

Dangshen 300g  huangqi 300g  baizhu 150g  baishao 150g   shanyao 150g  huangjing 150g  ciwujia 150g  fuling 150g  danggui 60g  dazao 150g  suanzaoren 200g  xianhecao 300g huashengyi 300g  guya 100g  maiya 100g  sharen 60g  zhigancao 100g  e’jiao 300g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If severe bleeding,add zicaogen 300g,qiancaogen 300g.

If hypermenorrhea,add zonglvtan 150g,paojiangtan 100g,aiyetan 150g.

4)blood stasis

Main symptom: the color of spot is purple and dark,dizziness,lassitude, dark complexion,dark purple of lip and nail,purple tongue or with petech, unsmooth pulse.

Shengdihuang 200g  chuanxiong 100g  danggui 100g  chishao 150g  Baishao 150g  honghua 100g  taoren 150g  danshen 200g  jixueteng 300g  sanqi 100g  puhuang 100g  qiancao 150g  juanbo 100g  dibiechong 60g  huangqi 100g  dangshen 100g  baizhu 100g  gancao 60g  shenqu 100g  chenpi 60g  huangmingjiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except huangmingjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak huangmingjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If lassitude obviously,add renshen 60g,hongjingtian 100g.

31 postradiotherapy or post-chemotherapy due to tumor

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are main methods to kill tumor cells nowadays. There are many side effects of these therapies which include four aspects:(1)indigestion:poor appetite,nausea,abdominal distension.(2) bone marrow depression:anaemia and aleucocytosis.(3) deterioration: lassitude,short breath,sweating.(4) Inflammatory reaction:fever,pain, dental ulcer, urinary tract infectionare.According to TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs, this stage includes excess and deficiency syndromes.The gaofang is suitable to deficiency syndrome to abate side effects, elevate quality of life, extend duration of life.

1)deficiency of spleen-stomach qi

Main symptom:lassitude,poor appetite,nausea,vomiting,diarrhea,loose stool,pale tongue with thin coating ,thready pulse.

Renshen 50g  huangqi 150g  dangshen 150g  ciwujia 150g Baizhu 100g  fuling 300g  zhigancao 60g  chaihu 50g  shengma 30g Chuanpo 60g  zhiqiao 150g  chenpi 100g  zhibanxia 100g  miren 300g  guya 100g  shenqu 150g  jineijin 100g  dazao 100g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If diarrhea and loose,poor appetite,add shanyao 150g,biandou 150g, sharen 60g,baidoukou 60g.

If nausea,vomiting of watery,add zhuru 150g,shengjiang 60g,xuanfuhua 150g,daizheshi 200g.

If short breath,lassitude,dry mouth,add xiyangshen 50g,shihu 100g.

2)deficiency of blood essence

Main symptom:dizziness,lassitude,pale or etiolate complexion,soreness and weakness of lower back and knee, aleucocytosis, decrease of platelet and hemoglobin,big and pale tongue,thready and deep pulse.

Shudihuang 300g  shanzhuyu 150g  gouqizi 300g  nvzhenzi 150g  Chushizi 150g  tusizi 150g  heshouwu 300g  duzhong 150g  sangjisheng 150g  huangjing 150g  baishao 200g  danggui 100g  Sangshenzi 150g  roucongrong 300g  fuling 300g  shanyao 150g  Ziheche 1piece  chenpi 90g  sharen 60g  gancao 60g  guibanjiao 100g  e’jiao 150g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao and guibanjiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao and guibanjiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till them melt;mix them well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If bone marrow depression, aleucocytosis,add buguzhi 100g,yinyanghuo 150g.

If dizziness,palpitation,add danshen 150g,suanzaoren 150g,zhiyuanzhi 100g.

If lassitude,short breath,add huangqi 150g,shengshaishen 50g.

32 xerosis

It is a disease belongs to “dryness syndrome” ,which marked by dry mouth,dry eye,dry skin,constipation.The deficiency syndrome of xerosis is due to yin deficiency and dry heat of constitution or deficiency of qi and yin.The excess syndrome of xerosis is due to blood stasis or damp-heat.

1)yin deficiency and dry heat

Main symptom:dryness of skin,mouth,nose,eye,constipation, low-grade fever,heat sensation in palms,soles and chest,flushed cheeks night sweat,red tongue with dry coating,thready and rapid pulse.

Shengdihuang 300g  shudihuang 150g  tiandong 150g  maidong 150g  Nvzhenzi 150g  hanliancao 300g  zexie 100g  shihu 200g yuzhu 150g  beishashen 300g  tianhuafen 150g  lugen 300g  xuanshen 150g  fuling 300g  qinghao 150g  qinjiao 150g  zhimu 100g  huangbo 100g  gancao 60g  biejiajiao 250g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except biejiajiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak biejiajiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If tidal fever and night sweat,add duanlonggu 150g,duanmuli 150g.

If dysphoria,add jiaoshanzhi 60g,dandoushi 60g.

2)deficiency of qi and yin

Main symptom:dryness of skin,mouth,nose,eye,lassitude,short breath,pale tongue with thin dry coating,thready pulse.

Shengdihuang 300g  maidong 300g  xuanshen 150g  dangshen 100g  Taizishen 300g  fuling 300g  gouqizi 150g  shanyao 300g Huangjing 150g  biandou 150g  shihu 150g  yuzhu 150g  chenpi 60g  Sharen 60g  e’jiao 200g

Administration: Mix and decoct all except e’jiao for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; soak e’jiao with yellow rice wine,then stew till it melts;mix it well with decocted extract;then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If low-grade fever,add qinghao 150g,yinchaihu 150g,biejia 200g.

If loose stool,remove shengdihuang,xuanshen,add baizhu 100g,miren 300g.

3)blood stasis

Main symptom: dryness of skin,mouth,nose,eye,dark complexion,puple of lip,dark tongue,unsmooth pulse.

Danshen 300g  danggui 100g  chishao 150g  baishao 100g  taoren 150g  honghua 100g  dibiechong 90g  zhidahuang 100g  danpi 150g  shengdihuang 150g  sanqi 100g  jixueteng 300g  yejiaoteng 300g  chuanxiong 30g  shenqu 100g  zhigancao 30g  xiangfu 90g  chuanlianzi 100g

Administration: Mix and decoct all for 3 times; then merge the decoction with residue removed,heat and concentrate it into decocted extract; then add honey 300g to finish the decocted extract ; take 15-20g each time and twice daily with warm boiled water.

If dark complexion obviously,add shuizhi 60g,chuanshanjia 100g, honghua 50g.

If dry eye accompanied with headache,add huangjuhua 100g,gujingcao 150muzecao 150g.



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